Broken Edward Elric x Depressed!Reader

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(Y/n) sat in her room all alone as always, with tears running down her face.

With a blade in her hand she cut into her soft (s/c) that was already filled with many scars from before.

Those hurtful words haunted her they repeated in her mind over and over again.

"You stupid girl, do you see what you've done to your beautiful skin, those scars will always remain there!"

Those words that came from the mouth that was her last hope, the words from her uncle broke her already damaged heart.

Crimson blood leaked from the fresh wound and more follwed after.

Her friend Edward Elric was unaware of her life at home and the scars that lay under all the white lies.

All that he was aware of that she was always happy and had a bright smile in her face and a bright twinkle in her (e/c) eyes.

"You a inconvenience to me."

Another pain filled memory lead to another cut and more blood.

Her cries turned into loud sobs of hurt and pain, but no one heard them.

"Your nothing."

Memories added more fuel to the brightly burning flames that were consuming her.

Ed banged on the door,panicking from the cries of his friend from inside the house.

"(Y/n) are you okay,open the door!" Ed yelled as loud as he could as he hit the door once again.

No answer just louder screams of pain and heartbreaking sobs.

With fear in his heart he broke the door down and quickly raced up the stairs.

(Y/n) now sat on her knees on the floor screaming loudly as her feelings consumed her entire being.

"The next to you cut yourself,you should aim for your neck."

Her cries stopped and she looked at the bloody blade unaware of her name being called loudly.

She raised up the blade and held it up to her neck and looked on the mirror and saw a her reflection.

Blood covered her left wrist, but not enough for her to bleed to death, her (h/l) (h/c) hair was messy and her eyes were puffy and red from tears.

A gasp come her shaking form as she looked at the blade in her hand that was covered in her blood.

Shaking violently and breathing heavy she screamed loudly and threw the blood and wept harshly.

At the moment Edward came bursting into her room.

As soon as his eyes met hers he threw himself at bet and hugged her tightly.

He didn't care that her blood was getting onto his clothes or that she was in her nightgown.

All that he cared was that she was in his arms alive and breathing.

"(Y/n) why didn't you tell me, why didn't you ask for help?" Edward said as tears fell from his golden eyes.

(Y/n) hid her face in his chest and cried softly.

"What was I suppose to say, I've been cutting myself and no one seems to care?" (Y/n) said as looked into his eyes.

Ed took her left wrist and wiped away the blood from the wounds.

"Lets just get this taken care of." Ed said as he helped the girl up to her feet and lead her to the bathroom.

He sat on her on the sink and washed her wound with water and put a little bit of alcohol to clean any germs away.

Which made (y/n) flinch slightly from the sting, ed looked at her with a look of sympathy.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want for these to get infected." Ed said ad he wrapped up her wrist with the white bandages.

"Its fine Ed, I had felt worse." (Y/n) said as she looked to the floor.

Ed sighed and looked at her and kissed her forehead.

"(Y/n) I want you to know that I care and loved you, and don't you forget that." Edward said as he hugged the girl tightly.

Love heals all wounds, and conquers the darkest and shattered hearts.

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