Edward X Pregnant!Reader Two Tiny Blessings

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Everyone admired (Name's) round little belly, cooing and just going crazy for the arrival of a new baby.

"So when are you due (Name)?" Al asked as he smiled at his sister in-law. (Name) smiled and looked at Ed with her sparkling (e/c) eyes.

"The doctor said I could pop at any day now, I really hope that it's a girl." (Name) said rubbing her belly lovingly. Ed chuckled and put his hand over (Name's).

"I really want a boy, so I can tech him everything that I know." Ed said grinning.

Winery looked at the couple and laughed lightly, she knew that there was about to be a argument about the child's gender.

"So what if it's not a boy?" (Name) questioned Ed as she turned to him.

"Well then we try again." Ed replied. "Do you really think that giving birth is a easy job? It's like trying to push a watermelon out of your body!" (Name) said slightly glaring at Ed.

"H-Hey (Name) how about we get some chocolate, and talk with Grandma Pinako?" Al said grabbing (Name's) shoulders gently.

(Name) sighed in defeat and smiled brightly. The word chocolate always calmed her down these days, since that was what she was always craving.

"Okay Alphonse, let's go,and Edward please thank your brother for saving you from a boat load of arguments. (Name)said laughing lightly as she and Al began to leave the room.

Suddenly there was a sound of crashing water on the floor. Everyone stared at (Name) and (Name) stared back in disbelief.

"(Name) your water broke, aren't you going to have a major flip out, or a panic attack, something!" Winery. Said looking at the (h/c) woman.

"GRANDMA PINAKO MY WATER BROKE!!!!!!!!"(Name) yelled with shock.

Pinako rushed into the room ordering everyone to do a certain job, while she pushed (Name) and Ed into a room.

"Edward you are going to have to help me out here!" Pinako said as she rushed around the room for the things she needed.


"One more push (Name),just one more push! Pinako said to (Name). (Name) nodded and pushed while letting out a sharp cry while crushing Ed's hand.

A baby's cry filled the air. "It's a baby boy." Pinako said smiling a small but sweet smile. She handed the baby who was wrapped tightly in a blue blanket, to Ed.

"Hey little guy, welcome to the world, this amazing, beautiful woman here is your mother and I am your father." Ed said while looking at (Nane's) tired form.

(Name) smiled back, but that smile was wiped off her face when she felt a burst of pain shoot through her body.

"Ed there is another one, (Name) you need to push again." Pinako said as she gave (Name) reassuring look. "EDWARD ELRIC IM GOING TO KILL YOY FOR DOING THIS TO ME!!!!" (Name) yelled as she gave a strong push.

Another cry filled the, but this cry sounded a little more female. "A girl a beautiful, healthy baby girl." Pinako said as she handed the little girl to her mother.

"Hey there little one, I waited so long to see your little faces." (Name) said cooing at her two children.

Ed smiled brightly and kissed (Name's) sweaty forehead and looked at his children.

The boy looked like him from head to toe, and the girl looked just like her mother, large beautiful, sparkling (e/c) eyes,and short (h/c) hair.

Ed and (Name) named the little boy Jasper and the little girl Lilly. Ed smiled and kissed his children and wife and smiled happily.

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