(22) I Can Be Your Hero

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I'm sure that you guys noticed that there is another song in this chapter! I'm super excited since I got positive feedback on the song from chapter 20 so I decided to give it another go. as usual play the song when you see the three ***. And there's a picture of them dancing too. Enjoy(:

Amelia finished putting on her mascara and smiled. It had been a few weeks since Alec was let out of the hospital and done a bit of physical therapy. It took a lot of convincing but Amelia finally agreed to another date and she was only resisting because she didn't want him to get hurt.

The doorbell rang and she heard Max and Alec talking quietly as they waited for her to come down. She took a deep breath, straightened her skirt, and walked down the stairs. She watched as the boys gaze looked up to her and Alec's grin when he saw her. She couldn't help it and grinned back. His smiling was just contagious. He walked up to her and kissed her cheek.

"You look beautiful Lia." He murmured.

"You look dashing yourself." she replied.

As they walked out the door Annabelle came down to say goodbye and with an inappropriate comment from her and a warning from Max they left.

As they sat in the car listening to random music Amelia decided to make conversation.

"So, where are we going?" She asked.

"It's a surprise." Alec replied and took her hand in his own.

"You know I don't exactly like surprises." she groaned.

"Well that's just too bad for you then huh." He said with a smirk.

Amelia rolled her eyes at him but smiled anyway. She felt like every time they were together she just couldn't stop smiling. He made her so happy. She didn't think anything would be okay after her parents died and she was left alone. But here he was her own hero. He didn't even know how much he impacted her life. She remembered her mom telling her to always telling someone you love how much you appreciate them. Was this really love? She didn't think so but they were on their way to that for sure. She knew she was falling hard. Her thoughts were interrupted when Alec got out of the car and opened her door for her.

"We are here." he said.

Amelia took in her surrounding and raised her eyebrows. They were at the beach! She couldn't remember the last time she was at a beach and this was amazing. Amelia kissed his cheek while Alec grabbed her hand and led her to the sand where there was a blanket, a picnic basket, and a radio looking thing. They both sat down on the blanket and Alec pulled out two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and juice boxes from the basket. Amelia laughed a little when she saw them.

"I wasn't aware that we were still in first grade." she said.

He huffed and replied, "Are you crazy? You're never to old for juice and PB&J sandwiches."

She grinned at him and they began eating and talking about things that happened and things they wanted to happen. It felt so comfortable for both of them to just be together. After they finished, the sun started setting and before Amelia could turn to watch it Alec stood up and held out his hand to her.

"Come on." He said.

She took his hand and stood up.

"What are we doing?" She asked.

"We are going to dance." he replied.

She gave him a confused and amused look but stood and watched him turn on a song. He took her hand and put his other on her waist. Amelia smiled at Alec and he smiled right back. He twirled her around and then brought her really close to him. There was barely any space between them and Alec kept whispering the lyrics in her ear. They both knew his singing was dreadful but the words were enough to make Amelia melt. He slowly put his lips to hers in a quick and promising kiss. She put her head on his chest and they slowly moved to the soothing and beautiful melody. He surprised her again by twirling her away from him again and tipping her. She giggled as he brought her back up to him and kissed her nose. He kept making faces as he mouthed the words the man was singing and she kept laughing as he looked ridiculous. They calmed down a bit and wrapped their arms around each other just dancing. They were savoring this perfect moment together.

"You're perfect Lia." Alec whispered.

"I'm not. I have a lot of flaws." she whispered back.

"Well then you're perfectly imperfect to me baby." he said.

She had tears streaming down her face as she kissed him.

"Thank you so much Alec." She said.

"You're such a cry baby darling. Don't cry, I want you to smile always." he replied to her and kissed her cheeks.

She hugged him tighter and thought how different Alec was from when she first met him. He was so closed off and cold. Now, as she peeled his walls slowly she realized how amazing he was. He didn't even know it but he was making her fall like crazy and all her walls were slowly breaking down. Alec looked at the beautiful girl that was holding onto him so tight that it was as if she thought he would disappear. He kissed the top of her head and continued slowly moving to the beat. In such a short time that they've known each other they have become so close. She made him smile after such a long time of sadness. He couldn't be more grateful for the angel that showed up in his life.

After they packed up everything Alec took Amelia home. He got out to walk her to the door. Before she walked in she turned to him and kissed his lips.

"Thank you for a perfect date." she whispered.

"Thank you for coming." he replied.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She said.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world baby." he said and grinned as she walked inside and he walked back to his car.

Amelia quickly shut the door after the left
and squealed. It was unreal that she was so lucky. Annabelle came down and demanded all the details which Amelia gladly gave. Even her cousins noticed how different and happy she was.
***(stop the song here)

Amelia was dreaming peacefully until her phone woke her up. She picked it up and saw that it was Alec. Before she answered she looked at the time. It read 3:30 am but she picked the phone up anyway. It must be urgent if he was calling in the middle of the night.

"Hello." She said still half asleep.

"Amelia." Alec's urgent voice answered. "My mom...shes in the hospital. Please I don't know what to do or who to call." His voice almost broke.

Amelia was up in an instant telling him she would be at the hospital in five minutes. She grabbed on whatever she saw first and rushed out the house door.


Woooowww. ok that peacefulness didn't last long. You probably all hate me right now cause I ended the chapter in a total cliffhanger but I'm sure y'all will be fine.

EnjoyYourMoment xx

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