(7)No thanks

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7.No Thanks

Amelia walked into school the next day uncomfortably. She didn't want to be here and she sure as hell thought it was unfair that she kept getting hurt. First her parents, then that Andrew guy, and lastly the drunk man. She wanted to stay home but didn't want to worry her aunt so she went.

As she got her things out of her locker for her first class she couldn't stop wondering about Alec. It seemed kind of creepy but Amelia wanted to somehow thank him for saving her. More than once. The bad part was she had no idea how. A simple thank you wasn't enough and so Amelia decided she would ask Jack about it. Alec is friends with him right? So he should know.

She sat down in her seat right as the bell rang. Her honors chemistry teacher began teaching and Amelia sat listening quietly until the door opened and someone walked in.

"How nice of you to finally grace us with your presence Mr.Linnders." The teacher said this with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Alec just nodded looked around the room for an empty seat. Of course Amelia would be the only one sitting at the partner desk without a partner so he walked over and sat by her. Amelia was confused since she didn't see Alec in this class on her first two days. She decided to be brave and whispered to him, "Did you just transfer to this class or something?"

Alec looked at her and smirked.

"I like to take breaks a lot."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Alec leaned in close to her and whispered, "I ditch."

Amelia didnt get to respond because her teacher spoke up.

"Mr.Lannders and Miss Patins, would you like to share what you were so intimately talking about just now?"

"No." Alec rudely replied and the teacher was smart because she just turned around and kept teaching after giving them a glare. Amelia gave Alec a pointed look.

"That was rude." she whispered.

"Why do you care. Remember I kind of saved your ass twice."

That stumped Amelia so she just turned back and listened to the teacher.

The first half of the day passed in a blur after that and as she walked to lunch she had to choose which table to sit at. She wondered if Jack would welcome her again or should she just find somewhere else. Her thoughts were interrupted by a happy looking Jack jumping in front of her.

"Hey there are you going to sit with us today?"

"If that's okay with you." Amelia replied with a smile.

They walked to the table where Alec was already sitting and sat across from him. Alec looked at Amelia.

"What's your name again?"

"Oh it's Amelia."

"Okay Amelia. Meet me at the entrance of school at the end of the day."


"You'll see."

Amelia was confused but nodded anyway. As usual her and Jack talked quietly while Alec just sat there maybe listening or maybe not.

After the bell to her last class ending rang she walked to the entrance and saw Alec leaning on his motorcycle. She walked up and smiled at him. His face just looked serious.

"Alec look, I want to thank you for saving me somehow. Is there anything I can do to express my thanks?" Amelia asked unsure of his reply.

"No thanks."


"I said, No.Thanks."

She huffed and just got on his motorcycle after a few convincing on Alec's part. They drove and she was met with a not very attractive looking building but it was pretty obvious to her that it was a gym.

"Uh Alec, what are we doing here?"


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