(26) Epilogue

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First of all I really hope you all read this little note instead of skipping and going straight for the epilogue. I started this book last year in June 2013. I'm so happy that it's completed and I love the way it turned out. I can see by the reads and votes that this book is also liked by you guys. I will of course do crazy editing with this such as combing and making the chapters longer, so when I'm done editing (which won't be for at least a year) it will be much better. Thanks everyone who read and commented and voted. It honestly means a lot. Thanks so much(: Comment "Pineapple" if you read to the end of this authors note. Now let's begin.....

*2 Years Later*

"I love you." Alec whispered into Amelia's ear as they sat down at his moms dinner table. They all began talking and chatting about recent things as they haven't had the chance to catch up much.

"I love you more." Amelia said and sat down smiling and ecstatic.

"So when am I going to get grand babies?" Nora asked looking at Alec and Amelia.

Amelia had to put her hand over her mouth as she almost spit out her food and Alec's eyes widened. Amelia's aunt and uncle,Annabelle, Jack, and Max burst into laughter while Derek sat there confused.

"I don't understand what's so funny. I'm not going to be around forever and now that you are almost finishing college I think it's time to get married and start working on those children." Nora said seriously and they just kept laughing while Alec and Amelia still looked like deer caught in headlights.

"Mom, we are planning on getting married but not yet. Amelia wants to finish school. " Alec stated.

Nora sighed, "I tried."

Alec shook his head and Amelia was still a bit speechless. Nora never usually brought up something like kids and Amelia was so shocked, but at the same time she felt like this was a sign.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

Everyone turned to her and most of their mouths dropped open. It was like she was watching a movie unfold before her eyes. Everyone was being so dramatic.

"You're what?" Alec said trying to recover from shock.

"Like you didn't hear me the first time? What were you expecting? It's not like we followed the whole abstinence thing." Amelia said blushing and went back to her food.

Everyone was still staring at her with smiles and Annabelle was laughing at her earlier comment. Alec got up from his chair and kissed Amelia. She was surprised but after a few seconds started responding to him. When they pulled away Alec got on his knee in front of her.

"I was saving this for next weekend. But, with the surprise you just threw at us I figured what the hell. I know you want to finish college and I want to tell you that we can wait as long as you want to get married but I want you to wear my ring. I love you Lia, you are my world and now that we are going to have a baby is mind blowing. I know we have complications and fights but, love conquers all right?"

Amelia had tears in her eyes and she reached down and kissed Alec again grabbing his face. That was enough of an answer for him as he slipped the ring onto her finger. Their family got up and started clapping and cheering for them.

When dinner was finally finished, Alec sat down on the couch and pulled Amelia onto his lap. After everything they went through Alec and Amelia were going strong. They still made mistakes and were afraid but every day they got through them. Nora was still struggling with her cancer but things were looking up and they all knew they still had a bit of time with her.

Things weren't perfect, and they were never going to be perfect. But in the tough life situations Alec and Amelia had to go through, they learned that pain makes you stronger, fear makes makes you braver, and heartbreak makes you wiser.

Alec kissed Amelia's forehead and she turned around to speak to him.

"I'm so glad we found each other. I love you."

"I love you more." They wrapped their arms around each other surrounded by the chatter and noises of happiness and joy. Alec placed his hand on her belly and smiled. He couldn't wait for their baby whether a girl or a boy because he knew they both would love him or her with all of their hearts, but that's a story for another time.

The End

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