(24) The Wise Jack and Belle

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Alec downed another shot and put his head down on the bar table. He couldn't even remember what he was doing here or why he was at the godforsaken bar in the first place. He wasn't even legal but fake ID's seemed to work today.

"Hey man, you alright?" The bartender asked.

Alec raised his head and stared at the guy in front of him that's been giving him drinks for...he didn't actually know how long it's been. He just sighed and stood up wobbly on his legs. He was so drunk he couldn't even stand and it was all because of a girl. He felt pathetic and weak, and he hated that feeling.

"I could be whatever you want, you just tell me what you want, and I'm gonna be that for you..."

Amelia silently watched her new favorite film, The Notebook. God, why couldn't all guys be like Noah? She thought. She wasn't even sad anymore, she was just so angry. She couldn't even describe it but she was so hurt by him. She felt like screaming, yelling, and breaking things. But she kept it all inside, just like she did after her parents. She knew all this holding in was breaking her inside slowly but she couldn't bring herself to trust anyone.

Alec stumbled across the parking lot to his motorcycle. He groaned because no matter how drunk he was he knew he couldn't get home on his beloved bike. He called a taxi and when it arrived he went straight home. He wanted to go see his mom very much, but if by chance she woke up he knew she would be disappointed to see him like this and yet, he couldn't help it. The pain and hurt was too much to handle sober.

As the movie ended and silent tears flowed down Amelia's cheeks she couldn't help but think of what would happen now. She didn't think she could go on. She hated Alec so much, but really she didn't. She hated that she couldn't hate him. No matter how much he hurt her she understood him. Anyone would have called her a stupid and naive girl, but if she had to watch her parents die slowly she couldn't even imagine how she would've acted. What are you doing idiot? He hurt you remember?! And you're making excuses for him! Amelia shook her head to try to get rid of all these thoughts. She took a deep breath and just lay on her bed staring at the ceiling.

Monday morning didn't seem much different to Alec. He walked into school glaring at anyone who glanced his way. It was like it used to be before...before Amelia came. Maybe if things went back then his mom would be okay. That's what he kept telling himself and he wasn't sure if that's what he was hoping or if he was just trying to convince himself.

Jack walked up to his best friend and saw right through his glaring facade.

"What the hell happened?" He asked.

Alec ignored him and kept walking to their table. Jack walked closely behind and kept firing questions at him about his mom, Amelia, and fighting. Finally Alec snapped.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING OKAY?! I'm loosing my mom! And now I lost Lia goddammit." Alec yelled out.

Jack felt a lot of sympathy for his friend. But, he knew he couldn't fix anything and that Alec had to do it himself.

"Have you ever thought that maybe pushing Amelia away was the wrong thing to do? Alec you're gonna need her more than ever right now. She keeps you together. No matter how much you deny it I've seen it when you guys are together. You smile man. That never happens, even when I crack my best jokes" Jack said.

Alec shook his head but inside he was rethinking everything Jack said. What if he was right? He felt so lost, he knew that Amelia had gone through worse. Her parents died and she didn't even get to say goodbye. But she also took his focus away from his mom. She was the most important Person in his life and he couldn't even go to her and ask advice about his problems because his mom wasn't even conscious.

Amelia got out of her cousins car as soon as it came to a stop but heard Annabelle call her name and froze in her tracks.

"What do you want Belle?" She said with gritted teeth.

"You don't have to act so angry with me you know? I only wanted to talked to you."

Annabelle huffed and started walking away from Amelia but Amelia sighed and grabbed her arm.

"I'm sorry...I...I'm just dreading this day because I might bump into him." she said.

"Amelia stay strong okay? Show him that you aren't some weak little girl he thought you were. I mean now that you've started training at the gym you haven't seen him once there yet, right? So maybe that's a good sign." Annabelle replied.

Amelia nodded and remembered that for the past few days she's been going to the gym that Alec first took her to. Shes been trying to let her anger out in a way that wouldn't involve speaking and it seemed to be sort of working for her. But the constant reminder that everyone knew him there bothered her. As she walked away she was looking down and thinking about the advice Annabelle gave her. Who knew that her immature cousin was so wise at times? She wasn't paying any attention where she was going and before she knew it she bumped into a hard chest. She couldn't believe how cliche it looked. She looked up and almost gasped. Alec's as usual gorgeous face was staring down at her. She saw him open his mouth to say something but she darted away from him as quickly as she could without letting him get even one word out.

Alec turned around after she ran and watched her retreating form. It was like that day all over again. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at his best friend who had caught up to him in time to see the encounter.

"I tried." Alec murmured.

Jack rolled his eyes.

"Try harder. She's been hurt a lot and she's not going to forgive easily." He said.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please don't forget to comment and vote for it! It would mean so so much to me if you did(:

EnjoyYourMoment xx

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