(8)YOU want to teach ME to FIGHT?!

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8.YOU Want To Teach ME How To FIGHT?!

Alec smirked at Amelia and grabbed her hand.

"Just trust me."

Amelia was hesitant but followed him into the gym anyway. They walked in and there was no one in there. It was obvious that it was occupied a lot by people but now it had a creepy feel to it.

"Did you bring me here to murder me?"

"Actually quite the opposite. To teach you how to save yourself from situations like that."

"Wait, what?"

"I'm going to teach you how to fight Amelia." Alec stated.

"YOU want to teach ME how to FIGHT?!" She yelled.

"Yeah is that hard to believe?"

"i'm weak! Are you crazy you will probably kill me in the first lesson!"

Alec rolled his eyes and sighed. He decided not to comment any further and walked over to a punching bag. Amelia followed him still unsure about his 'teaching her to fight' idea.

"Okay the first step is knowing the right form."

Amelia nodded and watched as he showed her and kicked the bad once then twice.

"Now your turn."

Amelia tried to follow his movements but failed.

"I told you I can't do this."

"Don't give up so easily or you will never learn."

"I don't want to."

Alec walked up to her and grabbed her wrists.

"I'm not going to be there to save you every damn time sweetheart." He angrily said.

"I-I...Why do you care anyway?" Amelia blurted the thought that just struck her.

"I don't. I just don't like attending funerals and knowing Jack he will probably make me when you die because you didn't know how to defend yourself."

That shut her up and she continued trying to follow Alec's instructions and at first failed miserably but over the course of a couple hours she finally got the form and a few kicks and hits in correctly.

Amelia was sweating and felt exhausted.

"What time is it?"

"9 o'clock." Alec replied calmly.

"What?! My aunt is going to kill me!" She quickly grabbed her school bag and ran towards the door.

"Calm down. I'll take you home."

Amelia waited while Alec turned off the gym lights and locked the door and then they drove to her house. Once they got there Amelia got off the bike.


Alec nodded but she kept going.

"For everything really. For saving me and for helping."

At that moment Alec couldn't help but stare at her. She looked so shy and beautiful. Amelia noticed how his lips turned a little upward and almost as if he was going to smile and she smiled. She had no idea why. But he made her happy. Spending today with him had made her realize that maybe there's still a little bit of hope out there and maybe-

"You're welcome." Alec said quietly and then drove off.

Amelia walked into her house and was bombarded with questions from her aunt and cousins.

"We were so worried about you!" Her aunt exclaimed.

"Guys, I'm sorry for worrying you but I was just hanging out with a friend and lost track of time." Amelia quietly said.

Her aunt nodded and walked back to the kitchen while Annabelle and Max stared at her.

"Who is your friend?"

"Oh my friend? Um it's Alec."

"No way." Annabelle squealed while max just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah we were just hanging out."

"Oh my gosh! This is so cool! You will make him fall in love with you and then you'll get married and have adorable Amec babies running around!"

"Belle calm down. I'm not making anyone fall in love with me. And Amec, really?"

"Yes for Amelia and Alec!"

Amelia sighed and walked up the stairs with an overly excited Annabelle behind her.


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