(11) Meeting A Part Of You

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11.Meeting a part of you.

Amelia got up and grimaced as the memories from last night came to her head. She couldn't believe she did all that. She had completely over reacted and felt really bad that Alec had to deal with that. Amelia say trying to think of a way to say sorry and she decided to call Jack.

"Hello?" She heard Jacks cocky voice.

"Hey Jack it's Amelia."

"Well I wasn't expecting this. Why the sudden call?"

"I need Alec's address."

"May I ask why?"

"I messed up and I need to apologize."

"Are you sure you want to go to his house?"

"Yes,please Jack this is important I need to explain myself."

"Fine I'll text you the address."

"Thanks so much!"

Jack hung up and seconds later Amelia's phone beeped with the text of Alec's address. She put it into her GPS on her phone and got into her car. She drove up to a pretty nice house it was like any regular home. Amelia got out of her car, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. She knocked three times and then waited of a while until finally the door opened and what she saw wasn't what she was expecting. In front of her stood a woman. She didn't look to old but she did look very sick. She slowly smiled at Amelia.

"Hello Darling, what can I do for you?"

"I'm so sorry for bothering you because I think I got the wrong house but does Alec Linnders live here by any chance?"

"Yes that's my son."

"Oh, oh. Is he in because I really need to talk to him I really messed up and-"

"Sweetheart you can come in he should be home soon."

Amelia nodded and walked inside. She had no idea why but the aura of the woman in front of her made her want to spill all her secrets and just tell her everything.

"Would you like some tea?"

"Yes please that would be great Mrs. Linnders."

"Please call me Nora." Nora coughed after that.

"Okay but may I help?"

"No you can relax."

"But I insist, please?"

"Amelia yes? Just because I'm old and dying doesn't mean I can't make some tea now sit back child."

Amelia was take aback by how this woman talked so easily about a subject like death.

"Nora if-if you don't mind me asking why did you say you're dy-dy-dying?"

"I've got a lung tumor Amelia and nothings helping now and they think I've got a couple months left."

Amelia felt tears prick at her eyes as she thought of her parents. Such good people die and it just isn't fair.

"But,what about Alec?"

"That's what worries me most. He has no one except jack and that boy doesn't seem much like the comforting type but...you do."

"Oh Nora me and Alec aren't very close and I just don't know I barely composed myself after..." Amelia trailed off but Nora was intrigued.

She looked closely at the teenage girl in front of her and realized that she indeed has lost someone too.

"Who did you lose Amelia?" She asked softly.

"My parents." Amelia's voice broke and she sobbed. Nora quickly put down her tea cup and hugged her. Amelia kept crying while she comforted her with soft words. Around that time Alec came home and saw Amelia and his mother. He didn't know what to say or do so he stayed in the shadow and listened. After Amelia calmed down Nora decided to ask a question.

"Why did you come here if Alec and you aren't close as you said?"

"Yesterday we were at an ice cream place and he called me Lia which is a nickname only my parents called me and it didn't bother me that he said that it just hit a nerve. I thought I was over the grief but I guess not."

That's when Alec decided to come out. He had no idea that he shouldn't call her that.

"Amelia I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

Amelia was surprised to see Alec appear so abruptly but nodded.

"It wasn't your fault I actually came here to apologize for reacting so badly."

Nora smiled at the two teenagers that stood in front of her. They were obviously close friends and maybe even something more.

"So who wants tea?" Nora asked.

"No thanks mom I think we'll just go up to my room." Alec looked at Amelia for confirmation and she nodded.

"Thanks you Nora!" Amelia said as she walked after Alec to his room.

QOTD: What do you think of Alec's mom? (Answer in the comments!)

This chapter felt like forevvvvaaa damn. Haha how do you guys like it? Don't be a silent reader please! Vote and comment!

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