(19) Decisions, Decisions...

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19. Decisions, decisions...

Picture of Jack at the top or side (depends on your device)

Jack jumped up from his couch when he saw his best friend walk through his front door bruised and exhausted. He didn't look too bad except for the fact that the face he was wearing told him everything. Something happened, and it was bad.

He grabbed Alec by the shoulders and led him to the couch while quickly grabbing the first aid kit that was somehow already on the counter. He started fixing Alec up.

"Shit man, what happened?"

"Amelia, I-I need to get to Amelia." He stuttered.

"Hold up. Weren't you supposed to be on a date? She probably thinks you blew her off what were you doing?"

Alec pushed Jack away and put his face in his hands.

"I couldn't save her damn it. They have her Jack and I have to get her back who knows what they're doing to her!"

Jacks eyes widened and he cursed quietly.

"Did they give you any clue as to how you can get her back?"

"He said I have to figure it out." Alec mumbled and got up and punched the wall.

"Hey man slow down this is my house remember? How the hell am I gonna explain that to my mom?!"

Alec huffed and apologized.

"You know what, it doesn't matter we need to concentrate at the matter at hand." Jack stated.

"I don't even know where to start but we have to do something fast."

"Okay how about we go ask old Grant. He might know something since they all hang around at the gym sometimes."

Alec nodded. As soon as he got up his phone started ringing with an unknown caller.

"Pick it up. It could be that prick that took Amelia." Jack said.

Alec picked up the phone without saying anything and turned on the speaker so that Jack could hear.

I'm so glad you picked up your cell phone.

"No you're not. Give me my girl."

Not so fast big guy I have some...conditions.

"You won't have anything by the time I'm done with you."

Or it's you that won't have anything kid when I do your girl and beat her.

"If you even touch a hair on her head..."

Then what? Nothing. You can't do anything and I'm getting bored so do you actually want her back or can we keep her?

Alec sagged with defeat. "What do I have to do?"

Ah that's more like it. You have to fight crusher. And if you win all money goes to us and you get your girl back. But if not then I'll have her. She is a pretty little thing.

He clenched his fist. "I'm not ready for that. It's impossible."

Well then I guess you better start training harder. The fight is in two days.

"Wait! Do I have your word that you won't touch her."

Yes. As much as I want her, she's leverage. See you at the fight Landers.

The phone beeped signaling that he hung up and Alec threw it against the wall while Jack stood speechless for once.

"Alec you can't fight crusher. He will literally crush you! I know you're one of the best fighters but man he will kill you."

"You don't get it. I have to for Amelia."

"Dude, not to sound like a prick but she's not your responsibility you were only going to go on your first date. Think about your mom. What will she do when he kills you?"

Alec gulped and rubbed his forehead. He felt so confused. He knew he felt something for Amelia but Jack was right. What would happen to his mom?

Alec walked in through the front door of his home and was greeted with his mothers smile that faltered slightly when she saw him.

"Oh honey, what happened?"

"Nothing, just some dumb fight. I'm alright."

"Where's Amelia? I thought you were going on a date?"

"Uh I already dropped her off at home."

Nora's worried look quickly turned to a glare.

"Now listen here Alec William Linnders, you will tell me the truth. I was going to slowly ease into the fact that I found a note here just 30 minutes ago saying that you have to fight some crusher to get 'your girl' back!"

Alec stared at his mother in shock. He didn't understand. Marc had called his cell phone why would he also leave a note? He tried to zone back into what his mother was saying.

"-and I'm also assuming that this 'your girl' is Amelia since you have never brought another one home. So you better tell me why you aren't out there looking for her."

"Mom I'm so sorry that you're dragged into all of this. Its so long to explain..."

"Well then you better start now."

Alec nodded and began telling her of how when she had gotten sick he borrowed money from a loan shark because she needed treatments. Where he used to work (an actual cafe) couldn't pay enough money to pay off the loan shark. He had to start fighting illegally. He earned money and more money but because of how long it took him the amount just kept piling up.

"Then I met Amelia. They started noticing us together and now they have her. Mom I don't know what to do. I'm not ready to fight this guy and the fight is in two days. if I do it then I have a chance at getting her back but losing you or myself and if I don't then they could kill her."

"Why do you even have to think about this darling?"

Alec looked up at his mom finally with a confused expression.

"I don't understand."

"You like her a lot don't you? I know you do, I see it all the time. Alec I'm not going to live forever, my time is very limited here on earth but you still have your whole life ahead of you. What if this is the girl that you need to have in your life? If you give up on her then you will still eventually lose me to my cancer. I love you so much and I just want you to be happy."

Alec nodded and wrapped his mom up in a hug. He didn't see the silent tears that slid down her face of happiness and sorrow at the same tome.

"I hope you make the right decision." she said.

Alec jogged up the stairs, grabbed his gym bag, and headed out the door.

"Where are you going?" His mom asked when she saw him.

"To train. I've got a fight tomorrow for my girl."

Nora smiled and waved to her son.

Soooo I thought this was a pretty long chapter guys. it's improvement for me especially since I had a tendency to write really short ones. anyways please comment and share and vote! Love you all.
EYM xx

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