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"Hey, it's not that bad!" I told him after I forcefully put the keyring on his phone.

He just rolled his eyes, and took away his phone from my hand. "I should've chose the bracelet. At least I don't have to wear it at school."

No matter how many times he complained, he was still willing to wear it.

In the end, he could never say no to me.

That's my boyfriend.

"So now, let's go home."

We both walked slowly enjoying cold breeze that passed us. We talked alot about random stuffs, like missing the old cateria's menu or even weird the hair of our principal. He laughed multiple times and I found it refreshing to hear his laugh. He could joke all day being a jobless, but I could tell he drained himself for God knows how long for uni entrance test.

"It's still packed around this hour, huh?" I looked around.

"Seems like it," he nodded. "Do you know why I take you here?"

"Reasons?" I lifted my eyebrow. "You kept answering like that."

"Because," he stopped walking, and faced me. "I want to show you how close we will be."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to show you, even after I am graduated, I won't go anywhere."

I looked at him, still in confused.

"We went from our school, right, then we took subway to here. We walked around here, and found a lot of places you like. It's new for us, but it's not far."

"I still don't get it."

"Look there," he pointed out, then I followed his gaze. "While you be at school, I will be there. It's not far, right?"

"Oppa, you are—"

"Yes, I'm showing you where I will be next year. I will make sure I will be accepted in SNU. You can take bus to meet me here, but I prefer you take the subway though. Or better, I can pick you up."

"I-I don't know what to say-"

"How about good luck? Or something?" he chuckled, but stopped immediately after saw a tear rolled down through my face. "Hey, why are you sobbing like this, huh? It doesn't suit you," he rubbed my tear strain with his sleeve, and pinched my cheek. "I expect you to grin from ear to ear."

"If you want to study outside Seoul, I will be okay, Oppa. I promise I will be okay. I don't like the idea of you draining yourself because of me," I pouted.

"Whoah, you are so full of yourself," he shook his head. "I did it for my future, though? You just be my motivation to make it real. A very big one, indeed."

"Why are you like this," I punched his chest playfully. "Where are the jerk Ha Sungwoon? The cold one?"

"You want the old one back? I think I'll manage to call him back."

"No, no," I hugged him tightly. "I like this one better."

"Ha ha," he laughed, and welcomed my hug. "Where's the old you, too? You never be this understanding towards me. You grow up, huh? Never expected you to accept me being away from you this easy."

"Okay, I lied." I confessed. "It was all act. The truth is I want you to be here, with me. I'm just afraid you are forced to be here because of me."

"As if I would stay because you force me?"

"Yah!" I punched him. "You lied?"

"Ha ha ha, it's so fun messing with you," he grabbed my hand, stopping me from leaving him behind. "Yah. I never lie to you. I won't stay because you force me. I will only stay with you because I want to."



"I'm not used to this version of you." I walked away, hid my red face.

"Like what?" he jogged, catching up with me.

"Saying warm things like that... Whoah." I shook my head. "It makes me want to be with you even more, you know? Like, I know this would totally work out, haha,"

"You thought this won't work out but you chased after me like crazy."

"Should I go to SNU, too, then? We'll be together again!"

"Knowing your current state, you need to get cram school everyday, no more skipping class, stop from your other activities, and, I don't know, extra credits at school?"

"You doubt me, Mr. Perfect?"

"Nah, I think it's better for you to spend time with your books than play around while I'm not around."

"You really do sound like Jaehwan now," I hissed. "If I make it, I'll be asking for gift from you! Just wait and see!"

"Oh, in return of the gift which you bought with Jimin, huh? The thing you lied for."

"I know I will hear it forever, oh God" I pouted. "Drop the 'lie' part, I will give you another. Just forget it!"

"Then, can I ask you for a gift?"

"That was quick. What is it?"

He stopped in front of me,  and looked at me in the eyes. I could never get used to the depth of his gaze.

"Will you be my prom-date?"

This boy.
Ain't it be my gift, instead?

"Of course," I smiled.

"Thank you," he leant closer to me and gave me a soft peck on the lips.

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now