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"Um, where are we going?" I asked but Sungwoon just kept walking and signalled me to keep following him.

Some students of his class looked at me in confused that I wore his PE jersey jacket. I just shrugged and walked faster.

He stopped in front of the commitee room and opened the door, and I followed him behind.

He quietly opened a drawer from the corner and passed me a hair dryer. "Dry your hair."

"You keep a hair dryer here?"

"It's Lisa's."

"Oh," I nodded and started drying my hair.

"So you stumbled into the pool this morning?"

"No!" I shook my head. "I was just unfortunate this morning."

"How is that so?"

"I failed to broke someone's bones. Wait. Some four."

Sungwoon frowned and I tried to change the topic. "So you don't go to PE class?"

"Who did it to you?"

"You can't skip, you know."

"Answer me."

"It's kinda unimportant, I can solve it by myself. They're just tiny mini human." I joked but his eyes just stayed as cold as before.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Kim Ara." he pulled away the hair dryer from my hand, turned it off and dropped it to the floor.

"Yah, Ha Sungwoon, you can't do that!"

"So now you're going to call me by my name?"

"Sorry, Sunbae, I'm—"

"Just answer me, damn, why are you so handful." he hissed and I just waved my hand nervously.

"I'm okay, really, I didn't and don't lie, I'll handle it myself,  okay—"

"They left mark."


He softly brushed my cheek and I hissed in pain. "Does it hurt?" he said.

I averted his gaze, now that I became even more afraid he would snap and burn the whole school.

"Alright. The suspect list would be very long because you only have three friends. I don't have that many time but at least I could just go to the radio room and make a statement or something." he stood up and I was so afraid he would actually do that so I grabbed and pulled him.

"Sunbae, please no—"

"Then tell me." he folded his arm.

"Okay, but please calm down first.." I sighed.

He finally agreed on something with me. He sat beside me and now I really tried my best to make words that wouldn't sound so bad.

I didn't want him to make such blood bath or something.

"So.." I started.


"So I went to the toilet, and there were some girls, I didn't know them personally. They just got mad of me because I'm too close to you."

"Just because of that?" he raised his eyebrow. "I mean, we are close since last year but no one ever did this to you."

"I don't know, Sunbae.. They just tell me to stop—ah it's not important, anyway. I know they're just jealous, some of them might actually like you—"

"Tell you to stop what?"

"Nothing," I replied instantly.

He stared at me unamusedly and I shrugged. "Okay, they told me to stop playing amnesia card. As if I understand about me and Jungkook situation myself."

"What about Jungkook? You intentionall skipped the detail?"

My stupid mouth.

"Kay, stop staring at me like that." I warned him. "They don't like the way I'm being Jungkook's but you still care about me."

"Who said you're Jungkook's?" he scoffed.

"Okay, discussing this with you is a bad idea, maybe they actually have points, I need to stand behind the line, while I'm Jungkook's—"

"Stop," he warned me.


"Stop saying you are his when you aren't." he looked at me deeply and it made me so nervous. His dark eyes stared at me so deeply, to the point that I didn't think I could hide anything from him.

"But I'm still his, Sungwoon Sunbae. Maybe we need to manage some distance so others won't confused.."

"And let them think you are his? No. And you aren't his, stop saying nonsense."

He was so against the idea of me and Jungkook being a thing, and I lowkey felt happy.

"So what's the name?" he asked.

"I don't know the three, but one of them is Jessica. She's senior, I think."

"Come with me," he dragged me out of the room and forced me to follow him to the gym again.

"Sungwoon, the teacher will find you skip."

"I don't care," he hissed and stopped in front of the students who were doing warm ups. "Excuse me, Sir, I need to say something here."

"Mr. Ha Sungwoon, where were you?" the teacher frowned. "You aren't supposed to skip class, you're school president. You need to be an example of the students."

"I'm sorry for leaving without note, Sir, But I just found out my junior and my secretary commitee just got bullied this morning. I even need to lend her my jersey."

"What? That's so terrible," he changed his expression quickly and said "Sorry, Mr. Ha, I shouldn't jump into conclussion."

"It's okay, Sir, I'm at fault too," he bowed. "But can I meet Jessica? I need to say one or two words to her."

Students started whispering and Jessica turned pale. I was a little bit relieved that Sungwoon didn't just burst here but looking at those cold and deadly stare.. I thought she was so done.

Jessica just stood still and Sungwoon rolled his eyes. "Jessica, pick one. You come here or I let her brother hits you with the baseball bat."

Jessica turned around and looked at Jaehwan who was being held by his friends, still holding the bat. She looked so afraid and hestitantly walked to our direction, and followed us out of the gym.

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now