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Sungwoon dropped me on the bed but found out there was no doctor here. Without wasting any seconds, he took off my shoes and shocks, without giving me time to complain.

I saw him taking care of my ankle so carefully. He really took this to another level. It was just a little accident, why was he so worked up?

"Done." he plastered the bandage and I tried to stand up, but he stopped me. "Yah, just lay there."

"Oppa, I'm not sick. I just got sprained, that's all."

He ignored me and I decided to ignore him, too. I stood up but he glared at me, forced me to sit down.

"Okay, but give me a cotton and disinfectan," I asked him. He looked confused but I just added "And band aid. Now."

He quickly looked for the things I asked, and put it beside the table. "Where else did you get hurt?"

I grabbed the cotton and sinked it in the disinfectan, then rubbed his forehead softly. "You need to take care of yourself, too."

"It's just a strach," he shoved away my hand but I protested.

"Yah, don't be such a pain in the ass. You said you want to protect me, but how can you do that if you get hurt, too?!"

He looked at me blankly, and I put the cotton away. I plastered the band aid, then said "At least let me do my responsibilty. You get hurt because of me, I don't like it."

He kept looking at me with unreadable expression. "What's with the look?"

"Nothing." he gave me a little smile, before tidied the rest first aid kit and turned it back on the shelf.


Two weeks passed after the incident and he became 180 degrees different person.

Extra works from teachers were all done, but Sungwoon just can't let me off so easily. He insisted that my chance of passing is still less than 50%, which made me worried as hell.

So he gave me pile of works, and watched my progression each day. In short, he became more teacher than the real teacher in this school.

"Okay, these are fine," he flipped the book. "Do the rest, and I'll give you... 50 minutes."

"Have mercy on me!" I cried. "60 questions in 50 minutes?"


"No, please don't give me 50.."

"Okay I'll give you 40."


"Just pick then, 50 or 40? Don't be such a baby."

"Fine," I grabbed back my book and started doing the tasks. "I should've asked Lisa Unnie instead."

He just smirked at my pouting, and he started reading papers again. The time flew faster than it could ever be, and I still got four question left. Those were hard and I gave a try, but I couldn't find the answer.

Sighing, I checked on my watch and I still got 12 minutes left. Well, I couldn't believe I actually almost finished those in 38 minutes.

I felt a little proud and looked at Sungwoon to say that I was stuck, but he was too absorbed in his work.

He sat in front of me, leant on the chair with his legs crossed, and flipped the papers.  The wind softly blew his hair, as if it teased me, telling me that his hair was so soft. His eyes moved from the top of the paper then down below. He was so serious but looked so hella attractive.

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now