Chapter 1 - Everything still seemed normal.

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Hello fellow wattpaders! I just wanted to say this is my first book and it might not be very good at the start, but keep with it, it will get better when you get into the book. Thanks for choosing to read my story. Please comment to tell me what you think or to make suggestions, I would be really grateful. Thank you for choosing to read 'What a pack of lies." ~ Rebecca.


"Chapter 1 - Everything still seemed normal."

"Happy Birthday!" Said mum as she and dad came through my bedroom door. With excited looks on their faces.

"Happy Birthday! I can't believe your 18 already. I'll start losing my hair soon!" Dad joked. But it wasn't very funny.

"Dad you started losing your hair 2 years ago." I said dryly, even though I had a smile on my face.

"I know but I can have a joke with my little girl can't I?" Dad said with his serious face, well tried to I could see the underlying smile. My dad was always smiling or at least had a happy look on his face, whereas mum almost constantly looked miserable or unhappy.

"Dad I'm not little anymore I'm old enough to drink, and get married without yours and mum's permission." I said as a joke at first before mum's face went white as a sheet and her eyebrows shot up at the mention of marriage. That always was a touchy subject for mum, I still don't know why. I remember asking her about it one time it still sends shivers down my spine; I got a slap in the face and an earful for being nosy, rude and disrespectful. Maybe if she wanted respect she could earn it, well at least try.

"Honey you don't have a boyfriend, so who would you marry? Eh?" Dad said, this time there was sympathy in his eyes I wasn't sure if it were for me or mum this time. He would always be there to comfort me or mum, he was so kind, and thoughtful. I know you're meant to say this, but really, my dad is the best dad in the word.

"I'd go to a registry office and marry my teddy. So there." I shouted childishly, and then folded my arms across my chest with a pout on my face; as I tried to lighten the mood again. At least it made them chuckle even if it made me sound like I was 5.

"Well Lauren if you think you're responsible enough to drink, then you've got another thing coming. You sound about 8, not 18. I dread to think about the future generation running the country!" Mum put her hand on her head for dramatic affect. Me, mum and dad all started to laugh as mum faked fainting into dad's arms. I succeeded in my mission to make mum happy again.

"Well come on! Let's go downstairs! I want my presents!" I half screamed as I ran out of my bedroom and downstairs like a child on Christmas Day. Okay I maybe 18, but who doesn't love presents? I stopped dead in my tracks as I opened the front room door and looked inside.

"Mum, Dad! Where are all my presents?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I think people would even be able to hear me if they were on mars.

"Well we decided that this year you're a bit old for the whole presents sha-bang and er. We. Um." Dad struggled at the end as he saw my face drop and turn to a look of despair. This better not be a joke.

"Mum?!" I said sternly, hinting for her to continue as I stared at the empty floor, in shock, horror and annoyance. I will say now I'm not spoilt as I buy my own thing with the money I earn from my Saturday job at the local shop. The only time I get given thing for free is my birthday, Christmas, or if dad goes shopping with me and he's in a good mood, which he always is.

"We decided to cook you breakfast and then go to the museum of trains. You know the one, we went there for your fifth birthday, you said you loved it and you would want to go again. Do you remember?" Mum said happily. I just looked at her, with my 'what do you mean' face! I know the museum that was my fifth birthday 'treat' how wrong that word sounds in that sentence it was more like a birthday torture. Just the thought of it sent shivers down my spine. "Well go upstairs. Have a shower, do you hair and get dressed. We'll have breakfast ready by then. Go on! Take half an hour at the least, an hour at the most!" Mum said in her overly happy voice. Well it's only over happy as I feel like this is going to be the worst day of my life. I stormed off upstairs with a face like thunder, and started to get ready for a day of torture.


Hey guys, I've been reading a really good book, it's called 'Just Alec' by JennysInLove its a vampire novel, and here's a sample of it :

"Hi, my name is Alec, I'm sixty-seven years old, and I'm a vampire. Yes, a vampire, but not the kind you'd expect, or want for that matter. I'm not the guy who at eighteen was turned into a vampire, had to live with himself even though he knew he was a murderer and hated every moment of it, constantly rejected girls because he hadn't found 'the one' yet, looked as though his face was carefully shaped to perfection by angels, was extremely talented for what people thought was his age and was almost too still and too quiet to be true.

Of course not, I'm the guy who wanted to be a vampire, the guy who at seventeen begged a beautiful vampire queen to bite him because he thought it would make him irresistible to girls. I'm the guy who doesn't care that he has to drain people of their blood, because he doesn't have the guts to finish his meal in first place. I'm the guy who is always being avoided because he's a freak and you somehow know that there can't possibly be a heart beating under that cold stone chest. I'm the guy who doesn't act like a vampire, talks like a normal person, looks the exact same as he did fifty-one years ago before he was bitten and doesn't know shit about instruments. 

So that's me for you.


Just Alec."

I really suggest you read it, its really good! If you can't find it, it's on my reading list. ~ Rebecca

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