Chapter 5 - Writing on the walls, or arms as the case may be.

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Hey guys! Sorry I've not uploaded for so long. :( I have written this chapter so many times, and then deleted it. And at 00:01am the new idea came to me so I just wrote it and uploaded it! It is a flash forward guys so you won't know what's going on at first but I will try to write the next chapter tomorrow once I've had some sleep!

By the way guys the chapter is unedited and I've written it in the middle of the night so sorry for any mistakes. Please let me know if you find any! :)

And once again THANK YOU for reading 'What a pack of lies.' ~ Rebecca.


"Chapter 5 - Writing on the walls, or arms as the case may be."

I woke to the sound of my annoying alarm; I had always loved 'Alvin and the chipmunks', but after a month of being cruelly woken up by a cover of 'Funkytown' by them, I had gone off the song completely. Every time I heard it, it sent shivers down my spine, even thinking about it... And that's when the song restarted. I quickly hurried over to my phone and turned the alarm off. I couldn't bear that song anymore. "I wonder why having a song as your alarm makes you hate it?" I said to myself sarcastically. "No I already know, it destroys the relationship between you and your amazingly comfortable warm bed." I said grumpily as I started to walk over to my en-suite. Stupid alarm, Stupid school, Stupid me.

I should have just done what my parents told me, after all it was a Sunday night and I did have school, but no I had to go out to a club and get drunk, the worst part was all I could remember was arriving at the club and having about 4 or 5 drinks and the rest is a blank. I mean anything could have happened, I could have died or worse got arrested, then my parents would have killed me. I just hope they didn't and don't realise that I went to a club last night or I really will end up dead.

I then continued to the en-suite. I undressed myself and looked down at my arm, there was writing. Oh no, what did I do last night. What if I got a tattoo, mum's going to kill me; it says Matt and then a number; dad's going to kill me: I've tattooed a boy's name and number on to my arm, and I don't even remember. It's my hand writing though; I think anyway, it's a drunken mess of scribbled writing. Even though I can't remember him, I might as well save the number, just in case. I suppose he must have been of some significance to me for me to have written it down.

I quickly wrapped a towel around myself; just in case anyone came into my room; I then ran over to my phone, to program the number into my address book, but the name and number were already there, and there was a heart next to his name, but I don't remember him.

I quickly continued to my text messages, and there was a text from this Matt person saying 'Hi Lauren. How's your head this morning? You drank quite a lot last night. Are you feeling okay? Love Matt. x'

Okay so maybe I could text back saying I don't remember, but it might sound rude. Why did he put 'Love Matt. x' I didn't know him, I'd only met him once and I can't even remember that. I could call him. Yeah that's what I'll do.

I quickly went back to my phone book and went to his name. I pressed the call button and waited with bated breathe. The dial tone sounded once, then twice, then a third time, and then just as I was going to hang up after losing all the confidence I could muster up, halfway through the forth dial tone he answered with "Hey beautiful. How's your head?"

And then everything came back to me, everything that happened last night, everything I said, everything I did...


Hope you liked it! I was experimenting with the flash forward and the cliff hanger! I think it worked and I will be working on the next chapter tomorrow/today as it is now almost 01:20am. ~ Rebecca.

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