Chapter 14 - Quality time.

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Two updates in one day, I've been ill all day, so I decided I'd write for you guys to pass my time. ~ Rebecca.


"Chapter 14 - Quality time."

Lauren's POV

Once the lesson had ended, "Lauren are you coming?" Anna asked confused as to why I was just sitting there.

"No, I'm staying in here, because of the stunt I pulled earlier, and I've got an hours detention tonight." I said while everyone filed out of the room.

"Oh right, you were only meant to stay after school, you know, it was announced in class, Mrs. Carter came in and told us." She said looking slightly confused.

As the last person went out I was able to tell her the truth, "I'm staying here with Matt, where no one can say anything, it's safe in here, but not out there." I said pointing at the windows.

"Oh okay, do you want me to stay? Or I could go and buy you some lunch?" She said to me kindly.

"No, no, it's okay. I'm sure I'll be fine, you go have 'fun' with the others." I said sadly.

"If your sure?" She said as she gave me a hug, "It'll be okay in the end, I promise."

"Thanks, I'll see you whenever." I said as she started to leave.

"I'll call you tonight, see you later."

"See ya." I said as she disappeared out of the door.

"So..." Matt said after a few minutes of silence.

I walked over to his desk and just looked at him.

"You hungry?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked.

"I don't mind, just nothing, I wish I could go home." I said as I pictured my room with my cosy bed and TV.

"Well we could talk and stuff." He said, sounding like he was my age instead of being a 22 year old man.

"Okay let's talk, question and answer time." I said as I pulled up a chair.

We sat and exchanged questions and answers for the rest of our lunch break, it was quite nice getting to know Matt more.


English class, was as boring as anything, the teacher just went on and on and on. I was so glad when the bell rang, I had started to pack up my things five minutes before the bell rang, just so I could get out as fast as possible, I didn't want to meet anyone in the corridors.

As I was rounding the last corner before the maths room where I would be having detention, Xavier appeared, I tried to go past unnoticed but clearly failed, "You are disgusting you know that, and so is he. No wonder nobody wants to be friends with you." He said arrogantly, which made Zach, Niall, Luke and Alex chuckle, but something in Xavier's eyes wasn't right, the arrogance that was in his voice wasn't present in his eyes, it was more like guilt.

I had no comeback, and I wasn't sure what to say, so I just stayed silent and ignored them, and sped up my pace.

"That's right run away." Niall said laughing at me, and the others laughed with him, except Xavier, he stood silent.

I just continued to the maths room, it wasn't until I shut the door that their laughter fell silent, well I couldn't here it now.

I turned around, and there was Matt leaning against the board just watching me, "I've been expecting you." He said trying to do the impression, but failed badly.

"That was bad, really bad." I said smiling, the first genuine smile is smiled that day, since I last saw him.

"I thought it was good." He said walking up to me and embracing me into a tight hug. "I've missed you." He whispered into my hair.

"So have I." I said but pulled back so I could see his face.

He moved his head in, inch by inch being very slow, and then pushed me gently back against the door, he kissed me gently, and softly, when the sound of footsteps came down the corridor towards us. Matt locked the door and turned the light off. The person stopped at the door and tried the handle, obviously they couldn't get in. They sighed and walked off in the other direction.

"That was close." I whispered as he came back over to me.

"I know." He replied as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "Let's go."

"But I have detention?" I asked confused. "What if someone comes to check?"

"They just did. Now lets go before we get almost caught, again." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, he unlocked the door and grabbed his coat and brown briefcase.

We walked hurriedly out of the school, checking to see if anyone would see us, but they didn't, we reached Matt's amazing car, which he unlocked and we both got in.


What will happen between Lauren and Matt? Where will they go? What will they do? Keep reading to find out what will happen next in 'What a pack of lies.'

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