Chapter 17 - Negotiations.

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Half term is here! Enjoy! ~ Rebecca.


"Chapter 17 - Negotiations."

Lauren's POV

The next morning I woke up with the sound of my phone, a text this time, that's twice I've been woken by someone trying to contact me in the last twelve hours.

It was almost seven, the text was from Matt, it read:

Hi beautiful, do you want to go out tonight, on a proper date? By the way you have to have a proper detention tonight, Mrs. O'Caroll is going to take it. So you won't get home till like 5, so we could meet at 6? See you at school. xxx

Okay, more lying to be told to my parents. 

I looked up Anna's name, and called her.

"Hey Anna, sorry if I woke you." I said once she'd answered the phone.

"No I've been up for a bit already, it's a big day today." She said like I was meant to know what she was talking about. "Um, for my parents I mean." She said quickly once she realised I didn't have a clue what she was talking about, she sounded a little bit flustered.

"Oh okay, I was hoping you could do me a favour, um, if my parents ask you or your parents, can you say I was doing a project with you last night, and today? Please?" I pleadingly asked.

"First tell me why." She said sounding confused.

"Okay, I was with Matt yesterday after school, and they got annoyed that I didn't call them, and today I really have to have detention, and then I'm going on a real date with Matt, and I need you to say we're studying, so that they won't find out, otherwise they'd kill me and Matt." I rushed through quickly.

"Okay, cool, I'll just make sure my parents won't answer the phone or go out, it should be easy." She joked.

"Thank you so much." I exclaimed happily.

"It's okay, I am your friend after all." She pointed out.

"Correction, only friend." I objected sadly.

After Anna tried to reassure me we said goodbye to each other and I continued to get ready for school. This evening was going to be great.


School was pretty normal, nothing interesting happened, I did go off to see Matt at lunch time and break time.

Mrs. O'Caroll who I'd learnt was Niall's mum, made me dislike her even more after her lecture of being good or bad in my detention, and who young impressionable girls should be hanging around with, she said her son was the 'good' sort, to which I could of argued but I chose to stay silent, I didn't want her to learn about me and Matt.

I'd taken my brand new car to school today, so I drove back home, I said I wasn't going to be coming home today until after seven, it was only five forty-five, so I parked the car a little bit away from the house.

A silently crept into the house, I could hear voices in the front room, the door was slightly ajar.

As I peeked through the crack, I could see a young ish boy, around my age maybe a bit older, he was handsome, and his voice was like silk, I felt like I knew him from somewhere, like we'd met before. But obviously we hadn't it was just odd.

I quickly went up to my room, I'd started to feel hot all over after I'd looked into the front room, so I quickly found the clothes I would ware tonight, they were loose fitting and thin, it felt like it was summer in Barbados or something, I was boiling hot, but I couldn't let Matt down.

I slowly crept back downstairs and out to the front door, I quickly went to the door and started to drive to our prearranged meeting point. My first real date, I couldn't wait.


Gwaine's POV

"Look, we have arranged this all already with your parents, I have a much higher authority then you, and your parents put together, you will do as I say. Okay?" I warned, he was testing my patients.

"Look, you rely on me Mr. O'Connell, just cut me a bit of slack, I'll meet her when I want to, if I like her I like her, if I don't, she will live alone, I don't really care." Elijah bargained.

I was on thin ice, he and his family could pull out, but people were relying on us so I regrettably responded with a "Yes, okay fine, but please, wait a few weeks, she only turned eighteen two days ago." I finished with a bargain.

"Agreed." He happily stated with a smile. "Lovely doing business with you."

"Yes, you too." I said as I shook his hand.

"Hopefully we'll see you soon?" Freya suggested.

"Of course. Elijah replied. "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell."Elijah said as he stood up, Freya and I were happy we'd come to an agreement, even if Elijah's terms were a bit too fast for out liking, we wanted to wait a year or two, he wanted it now, but at least there would be a few weeks till they would be introduced.


Picture of Danny Webb at the side, who would be Lauren's Dad, Gwaine.

Who is Elijah? What will he mean for Lauren? What will her date be like? Will Matt turn up? Why does she feel so warm? Keep reading to find out what will happen next in 'What a pack of lies.'

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