Chapter 21: The Darkness Within

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Inside a dark domain that shined with no stars and with echoing silence that seemed stretch over the land, a monotone voice broke the quietness after clearing their throat, approaching a large, white figure.

"Master Zero. Our plan to capture the blue one has failed once more."

A cloud of black smoke with orange petal-like ends swirled around it's supposed leader -a white, round smoke with smooth, pale flesh that glistened like a ripe egg. The black smoke had one red eye at the center of her body, whereas the white smoke had a red rimmed eye with a black pupil. The two met gazes, before the black one looked away almost immediately, giving the white one authority over her.

The white smoke -presumably Zero- spoke with a deep, exasperated tone, giving out a lone, angered sigh. "Yet again? Tch. I should not have sealed a fragment of my power into the idiot scientist. However, I still have use for that technologist, so I shall keep him alive... for now."

The other cooed sadly, as if trying to comfort her leader. However, it was only an act that she hoped would give her more time to stay alive.

Everyone who lived under the rule of Zero knew how he had tried to take control of the young mobian hero, Sonic the Hedgehog. "The Escape of the Blue Wind", they liked to call the event, for the capture was unsuccessful when Sonic's caretaker, Ovi Kintobor, sacrificed his own free will to save the blue hedgehog from getting possessed. It was truly a shame, for Zero could have ruled the world by now, suffocating the universe in darkness if the mission had been successful.

"Great Zero, look on the dark side. The Dark Matter you created accidentally that was sealed into the blue hedgehog is quickly maturing, despite our slow aging. Even the legendary Galaxia seems to have noticed its presence."

Zero's eye quickly widened with interest, giving the other a mentally relieved sigh. Maybe, Zero would be kind enough to spare her? "The noble Galaxia? And to mature in only seven years? This may mean we might have a useful ally on our side soon," Zero mused thoughtfully.

The other Dark Matter nodded, confirming her master's thoughts. "I watched him, Master Zero. The hedgehog is drowning in his own despair and sadness, wondering when the Dark Matter will take control of him. It will be a good time for an ambush soon, for he won't have the will to fight back."

Zero gave a low huff, then turned to the Dark Matter. "I must thank you for this information. However, your work has been disappointing thus far. I am quite certain I would've figured this out in time."

The Dark Matter's eye began to shrink in fear as she suddenly began to tremble with terror, cowering fearfully before her leader. "Ma- Master Zero! Wait, I may still be of use to you!" she begged pleadingly, her eye glistening with frightened tears.

Zero watched the Dark Matter with an emotionless gaze, shaking his head. "You may be of use to me dead, Adviser. I don't want to waste my power on the useless, you see. Don't try to defy your master."

Zero quickly zoomed towards Adviser, enveloping her in a stream of dark purple smoke, where she gave one last, final scream.

She had begun to convulse painfully, and not long after, her gas-like body started to seperate into tiny little pieces, until the female Dark Matter had completely disappeared into nothing.

Her fellow Dark Matter watched from the shadows, wondering when they would soon meet the same unavoidable fate of their friend.


Sonic opened his eyes, glaring as a harsh light pierced his tired, glazed gaze. Stretching, the hedgehog slowly inhaled and exhaled through his nose, catching the faint whiff of sweet pollen from the flowers that were littered around the soft, green meadow that surrounded him.

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