Chapter 4: A Dark Secret Revealed

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Kirby led King Dedede and Escargoon away from the throne room, and began pointing further down the grand, marble hallway. Dedede, exchanging looks with Escargoon, decided to keep following the Star Warrior, though a little hesitant with his steps, not wanting to stray too far from his throne.

Kirby didn't really care where he was taking the two. He just needed to stall long enough so that the other children could carry out their plan.

If this had been a little over a month ago, Dedede would have done anything in his power to destroy him, even bringing out his heavy hammer to clobber Kirby, although Dedede had been a coward back then.

Kirby ran in random directions, with Dedede and Escargoon following blindly like two ducklings following their mother onto a busy road. He felt his throat bubbling with laughter. His plan was working!

After a few twists and turns, Escargoon stopped, folding his arms as he glared at Kirby. "He's taking us nowhere, sire!" Escargoon informed, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. Kirby stared back at him, his wide, blue eyes glittering innocently back. Escargoon bit his tongue before sighing in defeat.

Dedede laughed. "I betcha' that Kirby wouldn't take us out of the throne room for nothin'!" Dedede said, patting the little pink marshmallow on the head, earning himself a relaxed purr from Kirby. "Would ya'?"

And right then and there, Kirby, Dedede, and Escargoon heard a loud, thundering explosion coming straight from the throne room, followed by a high-pitched scream.

Dedede shot up, his eyes wide with panic. "Wh- wha' was that?"

Escargoon raced to Dedede, clinging onto his robes. "Oh, sweet kingey! If only I knew!" Escargoon sobbed, a little too hysterically. "It sounded like it came from the throne room!"

Kirby's eyes shrank in fear. Was it Honey who screamed? Did her prank go wrong? Without a second's hesitation, Kirby ran towards the direction of the throne room, ignoring the cries of protest from Dedede and Escargoon.

His adrenaline pumped as he skidded in front of the throne room. He let out a surprised squeak, his eyes landing on the mess that occurred before him.

In front of Dedede's throne was the old monster delivery service, Dedede's only way of ordering monsters. Lights flashed dangerously overhead as Kirby's gaze followed to a terrified cappy boy.

The monster delivery service was sucking Tuff in a vortex of purple light, Tuff trying to outrun the portal that threatened to swallow him in.

It was a surprise, however, how Tuff could produce such a girl-like scream.

Kirby ran towards Tuff, trying to reach him, but was soon pulled back by none other than Meta Knight, who's eyes flashed white with shock as he stared at Tuff, before turning to Kirby with stern, yellow eyes.

"Kirby, you cannot just run into battle without a plan. If you wish to save Tuff, you must think. You are lighter than him, and you too would become a victim to this whirlpool," Meta Knight scolded, his voice softening when he saw Kirby's downcast gaze. "A Star Warrior must always think in the midst of battle."

Kirby looked away in shame, but quickly looked to Tuff, who was still trying to outrun the vortex. "Poyo, poyo!" Kirby pleaded, turning to Meta Knight with tears in his eyes.

Meta Knight swallowed. "We shall get him out of there, do not worry."

Soon, Tiff burst into the scene, gasping as she saw her little brother running from the portal. "Tuff!" she screamed, her voice trembling with fear.

Tuff turned to look at Tiff, and Kirby could imagine what his eyes looked like: wide, terrified, and scared.

"Tiff! Meta Knight! Kirby! Help me!"

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