Chapter 30: Mist... or Tears?

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It wasn't long before Kirby, Meta Knight, and Shadow rejoined the group, each looking either exhausted or slightly hurt. Kirby was unconscious between his mentor's newly revealed wings, said mentor was breathing heavily behind his mask, and Shadow sported a few shallow cuts that were likely caused by small rocks and stone. However, the scratches were so small and harmless that they were almost unnoticeable.

The first thing Tuff did when he saw the three of them return was shout with joy, despite being warned not to yell. Sonic tussled weakly in his sleep, his face scrunching up in discomfort at the loud noise. However, no one paid any attention to the blue hero. They were too worried about the fighters who had fended off against Dark Matter, regardless of the lack of any major injuries.

The group crowded around the three, with Meta Knight backing away, holding up an arm to regain some distance between the group and him. Shadow looked just as uncomfortable as Meta Knight, and he slowly reached towards his quills, as if he were to grab something from his sharp spikes. The mobians, seeing this, immediately backed off from the black hedgehog, with the Dreamlanders following, albeit wearing puzzled expressions.

"Kirby!" Tiff ran towards Meta Knight, her arms stretched out wide as she snatched the pink puffball from the bigger puffball's back. She paused for a second, staring into Meta Knight's yellow eyes before biting her lip. She turned away, her green eyes obviously troubled. "Um... Good to see you're okay, Meta Knight," she added awkwardly.

Meta Knight looked just as uneasy, however he responded with a clear, strong voice. "As the same goes for you, Tiff," he replied.

It was as if the two were communicating not through words, but thoughts. Their gazes both lingered for a few more seconds, before the two broke away, an uncomfortable silence separating the cappy and Star Warrior.

Tuff frowned. Ever since Meta Knight had shown off his wings, his sister seemed... distant. And it wasn't that Tuff was observant; in fact, he was quite the opposite. However, the gap that had suddenly slid between Tiff and Meta Knight was more than obvious.

What's going on? Did Tiff steal Meta Knight's candy jar or something?

"Are you sure none of the Dark Matter went inside you? Not even a bit?" Tails was badgering Shadow, who looked slightly annoyed as the fox worried over him. "If only I knew what substance the Dark Matter was made from, I would be able to scan you and notice any different energy signals..."

Shadow gave an exasperated sigh. "I'm positive. I proved it to you earlier, remember?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"Exactly. So do me a favour and shut up."

Amy glared at Shadow. The pink hedgehog didn't look too happy when she saw the deflated form of Tails. "Hey!" she snapped, summoning her Piko-Piko Hammer. She stepped forward menacingly at Shadow, who didn't even offer a frightened twitch. "Don't say that to Tails! He's only worried about you!"

"No, no, I understand..." Tails murmured quietly. The fox bowed his head in an apologetic manner. "But you're our friend, Shadow. And friends worry about one another." He paused. "I'm sorry if I was annoying you."

For a split second, Shadow's gaze was one full of guilt. The hedgehog scoffed, turning away from Tails.

Tuff thought he saw him smile.

"Worry about someone else, Fox," Shadow replied with a growl, his cold voice nothing like the warmth that reflected from his scarlet eyes. He nodded over towards Sonic. "Say, Faker for example."

Everyone present (except for Kirby) turned over towards the unconscious blue hedgehog. He was breathing rapidly, as if he was being chased by some sort of monster in his sleep. A small hiss erupted from his throat, and his ears were pinned to the top of his head.

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