Chapter 7: To The Point Where She Would Even Lie

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"Poyo! Poyo!"

Tiff turned around in the fog she was encased in, coughing as it swam around in her sight, mocking her.

Tiff could hear Kirby's pleads for help, and she tried to navigate around the fog, but it was no use. She had to rely on her hearing.

Trying to swat the fog away, Tiff stumbled through the terrain she was in, not caring even as she tripped on a rock, stubbing her toe painfully, not caring if her face was bloodied and bruised as it scraped on the ground.

"Tiff! Tiff, help me!"

Tiff was so focused on Kirby's voice that she had dismissed the fact that Kirby couldn't yet fully speak. Hearing his screams close by filled her with hope, and she gave a determined yell, breaking out of the fog. She turned to Kirby, who was on the dark, smooth ground, crying, covering his eyes with his paws as he sobbed, his body trembling with what seemed to be fear.

"Kirby! Kirby, what's wrong?" Tiff asked, her eyes wide as she rushed over to Kirby. She couldn't spot any injuries on him.

Was he hurting mentally?

Kirby stopped, and soon his sobs became high-pitched giggles. Tiff backed away, her body growing tense as Kirby rose, his paws still covering his eyes.

"K- Kirby?" she asked uncertainly.

Kirby grinned.

His paws fell away from his face, and Tiff let out a horrified gasp.

His eyes were gleaming red, like the ones he had gotten when he had been possessed by the Demon Frog. Two gleaming fangs jutted out of the corner of his mouth, with small specks of blood staining the white canines.

"Kirby! You have to snap out of it!" Tiff pleaded, her eyes wide with panic. "The Demon Frog- it's controlling you!"

Kirby continued laughing, his ruby eyes catching Tiff's emerald ones. They were full of sick, cruel glee, causing Tiff's stomach to churn.

Kirby... He would never...

"You seem to have misunderstood, Tiff," Kirby purred. Large, bat-like wings had sprouted out of his back. "I'm doing this with my own free will. I guess I really am a monster, huh?"

Tiff's heart seized up in fear as Kirby ran towards her, his laughs filled with demonic sickness as he thrusted a paw towards her chest-

"Tiff! Tiff!"

Tiff awoke with a strangled gasp, holding her chest in terror. Looking down at herself and noticing there weren't any injuries, she gave out a relieved sigh, falling back onto the bed that supported her.

"...Tiff? Tiff, are you okay?"

Tiff turned towards the direction of her brother's voice.

Her brother was plopped next to her, his expression of worry as clear as day even without his eyes being visible.

Tiff nodded, rubbing her tired eyes. "I- it was just a nightmare," she replied, yawning. "I'm fine."

Looking around, Tiff slowly realized that she wasn't in her room. The room she was in was decorated with pink walls, and had a casual look to it, instead of the neat, tidy room that Tiff stayed in back at Castle Dedede.

"Wh- where are we?"

Tuff shrugged, plopping back onto the soft white pillows before giving out a content sigh. "We were sucked into that portal, remember?"

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