Chapter 17: Emerald, Hero, or Hero?

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After running a few laps around Angel Island, Sonic felt the strength return into his legs. His blood pumping with excitement, he set out to find Tails (if they landed).

I wonder what that was about, with my legs, Sonic thought, his eyes scanning the terrain to find the others, maybe I just needed a simple jog?

Sonic knew that he could've easily used a Chaos Recover. However, the thing was, Chaos Recover only worked on injuries, not pains or soreness.

He really didn't want to find out the mixed reaction of a Chaos Recover.

Sonic's eyes caught sight of a jumble of unnatural colours as he scrambled to a halt, his gaze lighting up when he saw Tails and the others. Waving, he beckoned them over.

"Hey! There you guys are!"

The others turned towards Sonic's direction, and Sonic thought he glimpsed a little bit of despair in Meta Knight's eyes when he turned to face the blue hedgehog. However, by the distance he was in, he wasn't sure, even with his senses dialed up.

"Can you guys get any slower?" Sonic taunted, staring right at Tails, inviting him for a challenge. Before Tails could reply, Sonic sped away, leaving the others to eat his dust.

He'll come any second now.

As if on cue, a yellow blur caught up with the blue blur, his azure eyes glittering with challenge as he stuck out a tongue childishly at Sonic.

Although not as fast as Sonic or Shadow, Tails was still plenty fast, being even faster than Amy (who was already very fast. Somehow, in someway, the pink hedgehog was able to keep up with Sonic, even when he was running at normal speeds).

Since Sonic raised the kitsune from a young age, he taught him the most important factor of life: speed. As long as you were fast, you could outrun any predator. As long as you were fast, you could outrun any natural disaster. As long as you were fast, you would always stay safe.

At first, Tails had been as slow as the hour. His tails would usually tangle up every time he took a step, not to mention he would always trip and fall, being clumsy with his feet. This annoyed Sonic to the point that he felt like jumping into a lake.

But that was when an idea ticked into his mind.

What if Tails used his twin-tails to fly? Maybe he could fly faster than he could run.

It was worth a shot.

So, one day, Sonic told Tails to try and twist his twin-tails like the propellers of a helicopter. The yellow fox obliged, concentrating as he tried to lift his body off of the ground.

The first few times had ended in failure. However, Sonic told Tails not to give up, determined to reach his goal.

After a few days, Tails lifted himself an inch off the ground.

Then the next time, two inches.

Then the next, three inches.

The height began to grow and grow until he could fly up all the way to the clouds. Sonic remembered just how proud he felt when he saw the delighted expression on his little brother.

Then, he taught him to go fast whilst flying.

It had been a difficult journey, but in time, he managed to go neck to neck with Sonic. And since then, the two always aided the other whenever one was in battle.

Breaking his chain of thoughts, Sonic grinned, putting a new burst of speed in his legs. "You think it's really that easy, huh?" he said, smirking. "I'll have you know that I'm called the 'Blue Blur' for a reason!"

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