Chapter 35: The Mysterious Package

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Hi all! Before we get into today's chapter, I just want to quickly thank CartoonistDreamer for helping me out with the idea of this chapter, and the future of this fanfic. If not for her, this fanfic could be looking very different! So, truly, thank you!

-Much love, Yokai


Sonic attentively listened to Shadow as the black hedgehog explained everything he knew about Kirby, Meta Knight, and Dark Matter; how the Dark Matters were used by Nightmare, the path that led to Kirby's creation, and the truth behind Meta Knight's power. All explained, in a mere few minutes.

Wow. This sure is a lot to take in, Sonic chuckled when Shadow finished his speech. His ears were ringing at the strain of trying to process all of the information, desperate not to miss a single word.

The black hedgehog nodded his agreement, his misty silhouette flickering slightly as he did so. Their chaos energy crackled, the bond between the two loosening, as if movement alone could dent a hole in the chaos. I had no idea that Dark Matter was so... so... involved.

It was shocking to hear that Dark Matter had a connection outside of Mobius. In fact, they were the source of Nightmare's undying army, swarming the other galaxies until they were tainted with war and conflict. It hadn't occured to Sonic once that he and Kintobor might not have been the only victims to Dark Matter's unforgiving influence.

But now that Sonic was aware of the harsh truth, he felt incredibly foolish- even selfish. The galaxy the Dreamlanders came from had been covered with monsters made from the dark substance. Only thanks to the might of the Star Warriors and Kirby did they stand a chance.

I am fairly certain this information will help with our predicament, Shadow said, interrupting Sonic's train of thoughts. His red eyes twinkled, glittering like miniature rubies. Maybe Meta Knight can teach you how to control the Dark Matter inside of you.

But Meta Knight was injected with Dark Matter, Sonic argued, not merged with it. The Dark Matter in me- or rather, the albino one that possessed Kintobor- absorbed itself into me by choice. The Dark Matter fragment in Meta Knight didn't have that option. Nightmare forcefully inserted the Dark Matter in him.

But you're both similar enough, aren't you? Shadow pointed out. He softened when he saw the worried look on Sonic's face. He was only afraid, and didn't wish to pick a fight. Look, I don't know a thing about how to control Dark Matter. Meta Knight on the other hand... well, he has the experience. If it's one step closer to saving Kintobor, is asking him really a big risk to take?

Sonic paused, contemplating his decision. Although he knew he could trust Meta Knight, he was still uncertain. Not too long ago, Dark Matter had been a name he dared not to utter, terrified of the prospect that someone would find out his secret.

But then Shadow came along.

He sighed, knowing that it was pointless to reason any further. Shadow was right. Meta Knight was hundreds of years older and wiser than him, with more knowledge about the Dark Matters. It would do him better to talk to the Dreamlander and recieve some answers.

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