Chapter 20: Blur of Blue Wind, Flicker of Darkness

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Shadow was worried.

Really worried.

The Ultimate Lifeform was standing against the ancient temple of the Master Emerald, his arms folded crossly while he drummed them impatiently with his fingers.

Inside his mind, however, he was gnawing on his nails, the quills on his fur bristling with outrage while his ears sagged with sorrow.

They've been out for too long. It's nearly been three minutes!

Shadow was getting very annoyed.

Yes, three minutes may be so little time for any normal mobian (or Dreamlander), but for a hedgehog who could run faster than the speed of sound, three minutes felt more like three hours.

When Meta Knight had claimed that he actually had wings, Shadow had been very surprised, being so taken back that he couldn't find any words to form with his stuttering mouth. He remembered how his eyes had narrowed in suspicion, quills flaring upwards in hostility which Meta Knight could not sense.

He's just a little liar. It must be a Dreamlander thing to do, Shadow thought with a sniff of disdain.

But he never told you he didn't have wings, the corner of his mind pointed out. Shadow gave a menacing hiss in response, shutting himself up as he began to question his own mind and mentality.

Shadow's ears picked up a faint, protective growl coming from the Master Emerald. He peered upwards to see Knuckles hugging the ancient gem, his cheek plastered on the smooth, green surface as he glared at every individual with burning violet eyes, daring them to come closer and touch his emerald.

Tails sighed, looking upwards with a gaze of half-pity, half-annoyance. "Knuckles, no one here is going to steal the Master Emerald. You can stop shooting us death glares now."

Knuckles, however, did not seem to buy Tails' reasurring words. He gave Tails a soft snarl, not strong enough to seem menacing, but enough to warn the fox to not give the echidna a clever retort back. "Oh, really? For all I know, those aliens could be Eggman robots!"

Tuff snorted. "Us... a robot? Really? You could have at least said something along the lines of a Demon Beast."

Tiff shrugged, looking over to her brother with intelligent eyes, frowning at her younger brother. "Remember Tuff, this is a different planet with different cultures and people. They don't seem to know who Nightmare is, and they certainly haven't been affected by his plague of Demon Beasts. Instead, they have Eggman."

"But we've dealt with robots too! Why can't they deal with monsters?"

"That's not how it works, Tuff."

"Then how does it work? Enlighten me!"

"You're not a baby! You should know what I mean!"

"And what if I don't?"

As the two continued their foolish argument, Shadow stole a glance towards Kirby, who seemed to be playing in the grass, not having a care in the world what was going on around him as he tussled, giggling as the long green stalks tickled the young Star Warrior.

What would Eggman want from such a careless blob of pink?

Sure, Kirby was strong- for a baby. But that didn't excuse what Eggman wanted from him. Shadow didn't think Eggman wanted to kill Kirby, or else he would've done so when he first captured Kirby.

Then again, Eggman usually played with his prey before giving it a painful end.

But that still didn't excuse why Eggman had been so interested in Kirby when he first learned his name.

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