Chapter 11: A Rescue Gone Wrong

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Kirby watched through wide eyes as he was put in a room with Eggman, still dangling in the net. His body ached from being stuck in the same position for several long minutes, and he wouldn't be surprised if the ropes had made red and raw marks on his body.

Eggman approached the net with gleaming eyes, sticking his face so close to Kirby's that he could smell his hot breath tickling his face. Attempting to scoot away from the madman, Kirby only exceeded in getting himself somehow even more tangled.

"Well, well! Let's get into introductions, shall we? After all, it would be rude if I didn't tell you my name," Eggman announced, patting his throat. The doctor bowed. "My name is Doctor Ivo Robotnik. I'm your new master now."

Kirby was puzzled. Doctor Ivo Robotnik? Wasn't his name Eggman? Maybe it was a nickname Sonic had given him?

Well, it didn't really matter.

Moving away from Kirby, Eggman typed in some keys into a nearby keyboard on a computer in the center of the room. Suddenly, a glass wall became visible to separate both the captor and captured, allowing Eggman to stare at Kirby all he wanted like he was some sort of exotic animal at the zoo.

Grabbing a remote from one of his many pockets, Eggman pressed a simple red button that was visible in the middle of it, causing the net that was holding Kirby to detach from the overhanger it was suspending itself from. Kirby tumbled to the ground with a surprised squeak, trying to escape the ropes binding him. When he successfully freed himself, Kirby looked at the stinging wounds that the ropes gave him.

Just like he thought they would look like, they were ruby red and fresh, with Kirby wincing in pain as he touched the marks with a paw.


That was when the warp star suddenly materialized infront of Kirby, lowering itself so Kirby could climb ontop of it.

With a jolt, Kirby remembered his friends. Tiff must've noticed he was missing and called the warp star! Kirby felt his eyes narrow with determination. Forget Eggman! He was going to get out of here!

Eggman gaped at the star through the glass as he began to type something on his computer hastily. Kirby's heart lifted up with hope.

He breathed in, attempting to calm his nervous, fluttering heart. He couldn't afford to screw up his only chance of escape!

Hopping onto the warp star, he clung onto it tightly, with most of the strength he had left. If he created enough momentum, maybe he could break the glass by slamming into it!

The warp star seemed to read his mind as it hummed, charging with a glow of yellow light as it suddenly shot forwards, towards the glass-

-just for it to suddenly stop, right in front of the clear wall.

Kirby and the warp star began to descend upwards, the air growing heavy around them. Yelling in terror, Kirby's tight hold on his beloved star began to loosen.

Until the hold detached altogether.

Paddling furiously to get back to the warp star while it moved further and further away from him, soon the two were completely helpless, floating mid air.

Eggman wiped his brow shakily, sweat glistening on his forehead as he let out a sigh of relief. "Whew, that was close! I should've known something like this was bound to happen!"

The doctor grinned, his teeth flashing victoriously. "But I'm the one in control here. I know you're are capable of so much more, but I'll be the one who unleashes your power on the world! Oh, ho ho ho!"

Eggman turned to walk away, rubbing his hands together mischievously. "Don't worry, your last moments of freedom will be without interference! Well, despite not being able to move. Soon, you'll be my mindless minion! Oh, ho ho ho!" the madman announced, cackling maniacally.

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