Chapter 14: A Vision

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Kirby felt his eyes droop with exhaustion, but he refused to sleep. Even back at Sonic's room, Kirby had been pretending to be taking a nap, listening to Sonic's terribly depressing past.

He knew what happened when he slept.

He would get his nightmares and wake the others up, causing them to worry. He didn't need any of that right now.

So, instead of lying down to sleep on the counter (since this was Sonic's house, the others had resorted to sleeping on the couch, except for Dedede, Meta Knight, and Kirby, with poor Dedede sleeping on the floor, and Meta Knight and Kirby sleeping on the counter), Kirby walked over to Tiff, who had offered to keep the warp star safe.

And in her grasp, was Kirby's beloved warp star.

Taking it out of her hand cautiously, Kirby scanned the area to make sure no one was looking. When he was certain that he was left unwatched, he ran over to the door which led to the outside world and jumped, clinging onto the tall handle as he swung the door open.

The cold, night air tickled Kirby as it wove around him, teasing him to play with the breeze. Kirby closed the door quietly, and then began to run off, with his warp star in his paw.

The stars sparkled overhead as they glinted invitingly to Kirby. Kirby's eyes shined, wanting to go and join the stars, wanting to touch every one of them, to feel the warm heat radiating from each star...

The warp star flew into the air as it began to slowly increase size, until it became bigger than Kirby. Kirby cheered joyously, hopping onto the star as it whizzed into the air, a trail of stars flying just behind it, making quiet 'tink' sounds.

Flying over the terrain, Kirby felt as new as ever. All the power of the stars seemed to drain into his little body as he felt stronger, more confident with his surroundings.

The ground looked like a emerald sea from Kirby's view, the trees and bushes becoming tiny dots in the distance. The flowers became an array of colours strewn on the grass as he flew higher and higher into the starry night.

A few moments later, he was flying above the ocean. Kirby gave out a content sigh. Hearing the soothing sound of the sea as it tussled with its waves was beyond relaxing, especially when it was this quiet and peaceful. It made him want to just close his eyes and lie down...

Kirby's eyes snapped open. He shook his head, giving out a sad whimper. No, he wouldn't fall asleep. Bad things happened when he did.

That was when he saw a floating island in the distance.

Kirby watched it with an enchanted expression. The island looked so beautiful! More beautiful than Dreamland, he had to add.

A snowy mountain peak jutted on the outside of the island, forming a rocky wall around parts of the island. From afar, Kirby could see a beautiful waterfall cascading into a large lake on the island. Of course, like any other isle, there needed to be a water source somewhere.

Kirby leaned forward eagerly, and the warp star increased its speed. He wanted to see the island up close.

It wouldn't hurt to take a little peek.

Soon both Kirby and the warp star approached the island, with Kirby stiffening when he felt a powerful aura radiating throughout the island.

It sent a shiver down his spine as the mysterious aura passed through him. This aura had neither positive nor negative energy to it, but instead it felt... blank. Kirby couldn't quite grasp the word he was looking for.

It was like... an inanimate object having a spirit, a soul. It didn't make any sense!

Not to mention the aura felt strangely familiar... Kirby shook his head, smiling softly. He really was tired.

A Shooting Star ~Kirby and Sonic crossover~Where stories live. Discover now