Chapter 41: The Mind Encased in Darkness

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Hi all!

All I can really say is that Winter Break has been generous on me (so far, anyway). I'm hoping for frequent uploads after being on hiatus for so long!

I guess this is an apology for taking so long to upload. Hope you guys enjoy the next chapter! This is a chapter I was really looking forward to write!

-Much love, Yokai


Clutching their respective swords in their hands, Sonic and Meta Knight faced each other down, ignoring the harsh whips of wind as the breeze twisted around them, coiling against their bodies like an unseen serpent. A few distances away, Shadow and Kirby stared at the two with wide, curious eyes. Kirby clutched the grass with his paws, his feet tucked beneath him, while Shadow remained standing, his body tense and his fur rising. In one hand was the gleaming gem of a red chaos emerald.

He's too paranoid, Sonic thought, flicking an ear in annoyance upon seeing the red chaos emerald. Did Shadow really think he would get injured in this mock battle? I don't need protection, if that's what he thinks. I can handle Meta Knight.

After their meeting with the other mobians and Dreamlanders, Sonic and Meta Knight had agreed to spar, deciding that they would both train the other while they dueled. They settled at a large, peaceful park located in Green Hills, where a few mobians milled about, sending the odd-looking party a few strange glances. Some had even come by to watch, propping up cameras and setting up picnic baskets. They pointed at the two Dreamlanders, and Sonic could hear their interested whispers from across the field.

"Are those a new species of chaos?"

"The pink one looks adorable! I want one!"

"Look at the one with the fearsome mask! That's such a cool looking sword!"

"Does he really think he can beat Sonic?"

"...Why does Sonic have a sword?"

"Are you ready, Sonic?" Sonic shifted his attention back on Meta Knight, who ignored the curious murmurs from the mobians. He gripped Galaxia tightly, and his yellow gaze glittered wisely from the dark shadows of his mask. "You may borrow another sword, if you would like. I have plenty more to spare."

"It can talk?!" an orange-furred cat mobian shrieked, his striped tail fluffing up. "And why does such a tiny thing have such a deep voice? Hello?! Body anatomy?"

Sonic shook his head, twirling his training sword in his fingers. It was light, and the blade was duller than Caliburn had been back in the storybook world of King Arthur, but Sonic decided it would do. He wasn't one to be picky. "No, this one's fine. Thanks again for letting me borrow it." Sonic sent the knight his trade mark grin, and from the crowd of mobians he saw a couple of female mobians faint, a few love-struck moans escaping their lips. He recoiled, flushing with embarrassment. Shadow rolled his eyes, unamused. Kirby blinked before resuming to uproot the grass with his dirt smeared paws.

"It is my pleasure," Meta Knight replied, paying no heed to the orange-furred mobian having an existential crisis. "So, then?"

"Yup. I'm ready." Sonic dug his feet into the soft soil, and his stomach churned with excitement. It's been so long since I've held a proper sword in my hands! He almost yearned to return to King Arthur's world, where he could defeat hordes of monsters from the underworld with one casual slash from Caliburn. That reminds me... I wonder how they're all doing. Caliburn, Merlina, Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, Sir Percival, Sir Galahad, Sir Lamorak, Nimue, Blacksmith... Sonic took a deep breath. I hope my Chaos Clone is taking good care of them.

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