Chapter 28: A Mysterious Knight's Past

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Kirby is... Meta Knight's... son?

Shadow stared at Meta Knight in disbelief, his ruby gaze lingering on the unmasked knight. Of all the things he had expected, this certainly wasn't it.

Meta Knight secretly being Dark Matter's love child?


Meta Knight being the reason he and the other Dreamlanders were sent to Mobius?


But him being Kirby's father?

Oh no.

Even though the two had familiar physiques (which was a little hard to tell with all of Meta Knight's armour, but still noticable enough), it was something that Shadow had assumed the knight and star infant shared in common.

After all, the two were Star Warriors. He had guessed that it was a trait the protectors of the Kirby's universe shared.

When Shadow had heard about Kirby being created rather than being born from love and flesh, he felt a small, strange connection to the puffball. After all, the Ultimate Lifeform too had been created by Eggman's old man, Dr. Gerald Robotn... Kintobor back on earth, for the sole purpose of curing Maria from a deadly illness.

Because he was created, Shadow never had a childhood. He was born mature right from the very start, and had a significant amount of intelligence. He was meant to live forever, or at least until the world around him collapsed in the dark grasp of time.

It made him think about the other mobians,  and how their childhood must've been like. Had they been happy? Sad? Were they relieved that they didn't live with their parents anymore? Or were they sad, wanting to feel their mother's or father's hand behind their back one last time?

So when the Dreamlanders told him that Kirby had been created, it gave the black hedgehog someone to relate to. Although the pink puffball wasn't programmed the same way as Shadow, he couldn't help but connect with the young Star Warrior nonetheless.

Shadow growled, baring his teeth in anger. So, had all those feelings of attachment been for nothing? Was Kirby produced through sexual intercourse, rather than being created by Nightmare, like the Dreamlanders supposedly claimed? The hedgehog felt a strong urge to stab Meta Knight with a Chaos Spear, but contained himself just enough to the point where he could speak.

"Alright, you pitiful excuse for a knight. You mean to tell me that Kirby wasn't created by that 'NME' company?" Shadow snarled, stepping forwards menacingly towards the maskless blue puffball. Meta Knight stared at him through calm, yellow eyes, not at all fazed by Shadow's intimidating tone. "So was that a lie you fed to us, to cover up your identity?"

Meta Knight shook his head. "No. Kirby was indeed created by Nightmare." Meta Knight's eyes glinted. "However, to create Kirby, Nightmare needed the DNA samples of a Star Warrior and an elite monster. The Star Warrior whose DNA had been taken... was mine."

The knight's voice cracked slightly at the end of his sentence, and he screwed his eyes up tightly, as if holding back tears. Kirby recovered from his shock and cooed sadly, hugging his mentor- father. The knight turned to Kirby with a gaze full of thanks and love.

It was as if Kirby had already accepted the fact that Meta Knight was his father. In fact, the puffball looked absolutely overjoyed, with his wide eyes shining in delight. Possibly because he realized there was someone like him in the world, or at least related him.

Without the mask, it was definitely easier to read the knight's expression. Although Shadow knew that the warrior tended to communicate his feelings via colours that flashed in his eyes, it was still difficult to understand which colour meant which emotion.

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