Part 49

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Nichole's POV:

I was sound asleep, contently cuddling with my beautiful fiancé, when suddenly I was awakened by the unwanted, annoying sound of my alarm clock.  Groaning, I reached over, still groggy, and shut it off.  And as much as I wanted to turn over and go back to sleep, I knew I couldn't.  Because today was a big day.

"Lex", I whispered, hating to disturb my sleeping beauty.  But she didn't respond.

"Lex", I said again, slightly louder, now shaking her shoulder.  Still no response.  

I looked over at her, and just watching her sleep so peacefully, I couldn't help but smile.  She was still sound asleep and looked so incredibly peaceful that I would of done anything to let her keep sleeping.  But, I knew we couldn't.  We had to get up.

I leaned over and softly kissed her lips.  Kissing her awake.  Her eyes gently opened, as she looked at me, although she still wasn't fully awake.  I couldn't help but smile because she looked so beautiful and sexy in the morning and it always made me feel so incredibly happy waking up to her.  In fact,  waking up to her was a feeling I never quite got used to, because it felt like a dream.  An absolutely, perfect dream.

"Babe, we need to get up.  It's time", I said, before she had a chance to inadvertently fall back asleep.

Then suddenly her eyes opened wide and she sat up in bed and looked at the alarm clock.  "Did I oversleep?"

"No babe, you're fine, but we need to get moving."  Because today was a big day.  It was Lexi's first day of college.  And I was going to drop her off at school on my way to work.  And the last thing I wanted was for her to be late on her very first day. 

We both got up and headed to the bathroom, and in the interest of saving time, we decided to shower together.   But we had no time for it to be sexual, no time at all.  We had stuff to do.  Plus, I don't think either one of us was quite fully awake yet.  But as we showered, the warm water did wonders, as I began to feel my body finally begin to awaken.

After our shower, we both got dressed.  Me, in my typical work clothes, and Lexi in a pair of dark, ripped skinny jeans and... what, in my opinion, was a little bit too revealing, black crop top.

I looked at her, but didn't say anything.

"What?" she asked, glancing over at me with a confused look on her face, obviously sensing that I had been looking at her.  "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I sighed, because the last thing I wanted to do was to start an argument, especially on her first day... but, hell no!

"What?" she asked again.

I hesitated again, because again, I didn't want to start an argument,  and I wanted her to make her own choices and to be her own person.  But, with her in that outfit, I had no choice.  She had me backed me into a corner. 

"Your choice of outfit, Alexis.  Well, it's kind of... revealing, don't you think?"  I asked, trying to hint around at what I was trying to get at, without actually saying it.

She looked down at her outfit.  "What?  It's just jeans and a shirt."

"Well yeah... but it's a pretty revealing shirt, don't you think?" I asked, hoping she would see things my way, without me actually having to say it.  I mean, I had no right to tell her what to wear, but I also felt I had to voice my opinion.

"What?  It's not revealing", she responded.  And either she was completely naive and innocent, or she was just acting like she didn't know what I was talking about.  But either way, I just wasn't comfortable with it.  At all.

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