Part 47

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Alexis POV:

Today was a big day.  Because it was the day we were going to Nichole's parent's house to officially announce our engagement.  And the truth was, I was nervous.  A million thoughts ran through my mind.  What if her family didn't approve of our engagement?  What if they thought it was too soon or thought we were too young, or that I wasn't the right partner for Nichole?  What if they thought she could do better?  I mean, as far as I knew her family liked me.  They were always nice to me.  But marriage was a big step.  And I just hoped they were going to be ok with it.  And with me.

"Hey... I just wanna apologize about yesterday", Nichole said, as she reached across the middle console and placed her hand gently on my knee, as we were on our way to her parent's house.

"About what?" I asked, confused, not quite sure what she getting at.

"About yesterday.  During your driving lesson.   I realize I was wrong.  I shouldn't have gotten upset and I should have been more patient.   And well... I feel bad about that and I'm really sorry."

I placed my hand on top of hers and entwined our fingers.  "It's ok", I said, knowing it wasn't her fault.  "I did bad and I messed up a lot.  It's my fault for being such a bad driver", I said honestly.  Because it was true.  I wasn't good at all.  Even though I had tried really hard, I just didn't do good.  And Nikki had every right to get upset with me.  

She quickly shook her head, then gently squeezed my hand.  "Lexi no, you did fine.  I mean, sure, there were a few... minor issues.  But it was only your first lesson.  Of course you're not gonna be perfect the first time.  Learning to drive takes a lot of practice.  And I wasn't perfect yesterday either.  By any means.   I need to work on being a better teacher.  And being more patient."

"It's ok", I said again.  "It's just probably gonna take a lot of lessons."

"Well, we'll just do as many lessons as we need to.  But don't worry, we'll get you your license.  And you're gonna be a great driver."

I smiled, glad that she felt I would be a good driver.  One day.  Then I thought for a minute.  "We're you a good driver?  I mean, at first?", I asked, curiously.  Because Nichole was a really good driver.  It seemed liked second nature to her.

She laughed.  "No babe.  Not at all.   But I don't think anybody is good at first.  It definitely takes a lot of practice, and a long time to get comfortable."

I smiled, because hearing her say that was reassuring.  And it made me feel better that I wasn't the only one that was bad at the beginning.  But that was Nichole.  She always had a way of making me feel better.  

"Who taught you how to drive?" I asked.

"My dad.  He taught all of us kids how to drive.  And, honestly, I think he was more nervous then we were", she said laughing.  "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we took years off of his life.  Especially Alyssa."

"Why Alyssa?" I asked.

"Because she never took it serious and fucked around the whole time.  She drove dad crazy."

Then suddenly I felt sad.  Because I started thinking about my dad.  I couldn't help it.  I just started thinking about him.  And it just made me sad.  "Nikki", I said.

"Yeah?" she asked, looking ahead, focusing on the road.

"I miss daddy."

She quickly glanced over at me and she could instantly see the sadness in my eyes, and the pain in my voice.  

She turned her attention back to the road.  "I know", she said, holding my hand tighter.  "I wish things could be different, Lex.  But, he's looking down on you and I know he's proud of you"

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