Part 53

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(The picture is Alyssa on the left, and Nicole on the right)

Alexis' POV:

"Hey losers", a female voice said from behind.  

I turned to look, as Maddie, who was standing next to me, also turned around, then rolled her eyes playfully, once she realized who it was.

"Oh.  Hey, Alyssa", I said.


"Not much", Maddie said.  "Just waiting on you." 

It was Friday afternoon and we were done with class for the week and were waiting for Alyssa, so we could all go back to their apartment to study and just hangout.  

We took the short walk back to their apartment and threw our book bags down and sat in the living room, me and Maddie on the couch and Alyssa on a chair next to us.  

Maddie and I then began to take our books out of our bags and started to study, like we had planned.

"What in the hell are you guys doing?" Alyssa asked, seemingly shocked by our action.

"Studying.  Like we said we were going to do", Maddie responded.

"Fuck that", she responded.  "Let's order a pizza instead.

"But, we're supposed to be studying", Maddie said again, still looking at her book.

"That's for nerds.  It's Friday.  That can wait.  We need a break", she said, pulling out her phone, looking up the pizza delivery number.

"I guess you're right.  It is Friday.  And we've been working hard all week", Maddie said, as she put her books away.  And I had to admit, I agreed.  I had been going to class, studying, plus working at the agency modeling all week and I was exhausted.  And a break right now was exactly what I needed.

"So did Maddie tell you what happened after class today?" I asked Alyssa, as we were eating our pizza.

Alyssa looked at Maddie, confused.  "No.  What happened?"


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Maddie didn't say anything, and just looked away.  So, I decided I would tell her.  "Some guy asked her out", I said, taking another bite of my pizza.

Alyssa stopped eating and looked at Maddie, then at me. "Asked her out?  Like on a date?" she asked. 

"Yes.  He asked her after class today.  On a date.  And he was super cute too."

She then looked at Maddie, who seemed a little uncomfortable.  "That's cool", Alyssa said, acting indifferent.  "So, what did you say?"

"I told him no", she said, everting her eyes away from Alyssa, yet again.  "I told him I wasn't interested."

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