Part 8

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Nikki's POV:

I woke up to the buzzing of my alarm.

"Fuck", I mumbled, as I reached over to shut it off.  The night had gone too fast.

I looked over to see Alexis laying beside me, still asleep.

I smiled.  She looked so cute.  And cozy.  And content.  And I was glad.  Because whatever she had been through, I was glad she could finally rest without worrying.  Even if it was only temporarily.

"Lexi", I said reaching over and shaking her shoulder.

She didn't stir.

"Alexis", I said louder and shaking her harder.

She opened her eyes for a brief second, then groaned and rolled over. 

I laughed at her cuteness.

"Hey, we got to get up.  We have to be out the door in an hour.  And you don't want to be late your first day, do you?"  I said, knowing that would get her up.

"No!  I-I don't want to be late!"  she said sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Well then get up, sleepy head.   I'm going to go shower", I said getting up and going to my en suite, leaving her in my bed.

I took a quick shower.  When I went back to my bedroom, Lexi was gone.  

I went downstairs and to my surprise, she had already showered, dressed and was cooking breakfast.

"Wow, I'm impressed", I said.  

"I made bacon and eggs.  And toast and coffee.  I-I know I didn't ask.  I-I hope it's Ok", she said, looking fearful that maybe it wasn't.

"Of course it's Ok.  You don't have to ask for permission."

"I-I don't?"

"Oh course not, silly.  I'm glad you did.  It smells great."

A look of relief spread across her face, knowing that what she had done was ok.   But again, I couldn't help but be concerned as to why she had been so fearful that she had done something wrong by not asking for permission.  It was definitely concerning, but I pushed the thought out of my head, hoping that in time she would confide in me.

We sat down and ate breakfast together.  It was such a simple thing to do, but for some reason, it felt nice.  And I liked it.  And she seemed to like it too.  Even though she didn't say.

After breakfast, we got in my car and drove the short distance to my agency.

Lexi was quiet the entire ride and I could tell she was nervous.  

"You Ok?"  I asked, as I pulled into the parking lot.

She shook her head.

"You're not?"

She shook her head again.

"Why?  What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go", she whispered, looking down.

"Lexi, look at me", I said, gently reaching over and lifting up her chin, so our eyes now met.  She was trembling and her ice blue eyes were filled with fear.

"There's nothing to be scared of.  I know everybody in there.  Nobody's going to hurt you."

"But I don't like the building.  I-It's too big.  I like small buildings...  with lots of hiding places."

I smiled.  She was just so cute.  And she didn't even know it.

"You don't need to hide, silly.  As long as you're with me, you're safe."

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