Part 15

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Nichole's POV:

It was late into the night.  And the movie we were watching had finally ended.  

"Bed?" I asked, looking over at a sleepy Lexi.

"Yes", she said, yawning, looking absolutely adorable, with her blonde hair tossled messily.

I smiled.  God, she was cute.  I scooped her thin body up in my arms and carried her upstairs to my bedroom, and laid her softly down on my bed and climbed in next to her.

We had been dating for a month now, and my desire for her was growing.   As hers was for me, as well.  I could tell, in the way she touched me and kissed me.  And it was also becoming more evident, as our recent make out sessions were becoming more and more heated and increasingly intense, and we were pushing the boundaries more and more.  It was obvious that we both wanted and needed more.

I pullled the covers over us and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close so her body was pressed against mine.  Her lips met mine in the darkness.  And although I had expected it to just be a goodnight kiss, her lips lingered on mine, and she whimpered when I pulled away.  

"Don't stop", she whispered, against my lips.

And normally I would have questioned her, or would have tried to convince her it was late.  But tonight was different.  There was lust between us and desires that were so strongly evident, that they could no longer be ignored.

Tonight was different and I didn't pull away.  Instead, I kissed her again and without hesitation, she kissed me back.  And without warning, I felt her tongue enter my mouth.  Eagerly, I returned the gesture.  And within moments, before we both knew what was happening, we began exchanging heated open mouthed kisses with a fury of passion.

Within seconds, her breathing increased, as mine did as well.  And unexpectedly, I felt my heart began to race.  She was hungry.   And so was I.   We were practically starving for each other.  And it was obvious that we could no longer deny our desires.

Surprising me again, she climbed on top of me, in a somewhat dominant fashion,  something she'd never done before.  She hovered above me, straddling me.  She arched her back and ran her hand through her long, blonde hair, not even knowing what she was doing to me, or how completely sexy she looked.  Her lips were pouty and her normally light, blue eyes were now dark and seductive.  She gazed down at me, taking my breath away, looking nothing short of a sex goddess.

I placed my hands on her slim hips, and looked up at her as she straddled me.  The sexual tension between us was growing and it was now becoming completely unbearable.  In fact, it was nearly suffocating.  And it was evident that we both needed the release that only each other could bring.  

Without warning, she continued her reign of dominance, as she lifted up her shirt and began to remove it.  I was fully taken off guard because it was so out of character for her.  But I loved her taking the initiative.  In fact, I felt myself getting increasingly turned on, more and more, by her actions.  

Unable to resist, I slowly moved my hands up her waist, and slid my hands under her shirt, and helped her rid the unwanted garment from her body.  She now sat before me, looking down at me, the goddess that she was, nearly naked, in nothing more than her bra and panties.  Unable to stop what had already been set in motion, I pushed the boundaries and went were we've never gone before.  I reached around her back and unfastened her bra.  She allowed it to fall loosely off of her, then gently tossed it aside. 

My eyes couldn't help but to glance down at her now naked breasts.  I gasped.  It was the first time I had seen her completely naked from the waist up.  And what I saw, made my heart race. Her breasts were smaller than mine, but they were the perfect size, exactly what I liked and they were fitting for her figure.  And I absolutely loved them.  

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