Part 35

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Alexis POV:

I reached into the nightstand drawer in my old bedroom and carefully took out Maddie's number, that had been safely tucked away for nearly 2 weeks.  

I held the paper in my hand and looked at the number, for nearly the millionth time.  By now, I had memorized it, because I had looked at it so many times.  Over and over again.  But not doing anything with it, never having the nerve to call.  Never having the guts... Until now.

It was Saturday morning and Nichole had gone to work.  She had an emergency shoot that she had to do.  It was last minute notice.  And I decided to stay home and just let her do her thing.  It was a small shoot and she didn't really need my help anyway.

So the notion came over me, to take the opportunity.  And to finally call Maddie.   Because the fact was... it was time.   

I sat on my bed and reached for my phone and started dialing Maddie's number, the entire time, my hand shaking uncontrollably.  Almost immediately, it started ringing.  And just as instantly, an overwhelming sense of nervousness came over me.  So much so, that the urge came over me to hang up.  I was just too nervous,  that I didn't think that I could do this.

Just then, a soft voice came over the line.  "Hello?"  

It was a voice, I quite honestly, didn't recognize.  But I knew, without a doubt, it had to be her.  I mean, who else would it be?   I immediately started to panic.  And I just wanted to hang up.  I couldn't do this.  I was just gonna mess everything up.   I didn't even know what say.  

"Hello?  Is there anybody there?"

"Hi", I said, shyly, barely above a whisper.  But, I finally spoke up, mostly because I was afraid she was going hang up if I didn't say something.

"Who is this?" she asked.

And this was the moment of truth.  The moment was finally here.  This was were it all came to a head.  This was where a potential new beginning could start.  Or it's where things could come to a crashing halt.  And I felt like everything was in my hands.

"I-is this... Maddie?"

There was a pause.  "Ummm... yeah, this is Maddie.  Who is this?"

There was a long pause.  My god, I didn't know if I could do this.  What if she hung up on me as soon as she found out it was me?

"Hello?  Is there anybody there?  Who is this?"

I took a deep breath.  Because I knew I had to say something now.  Or ruin my chance with her forever.  "Maddie... it's me... Alexis."

Silence.  The phone was dead.  And I honestly thought that maybe she had hung up.  Because there was nothing but silence.  Dead, fucking silence.

Then, after a few seconds, she finally spoke.  "Alexis?"

"Yes." It was all I could say.  

"My... my sister?" she asked, obviously in pure and utter shock.

"Yes.  Maddie, it's me.  It's your sister, Alexis."

There was another long pause.  "Alexis?  Is this really you?  This is some kind of joke, isn't it?"

"No, it's not a joke.  It's me."

She didn't say any for a long time, then all of sudden, I heard her start to cry.  

"Maddie, please don't cry."

But she didn't stop, and the next thing I knew I was crying too. 

"What are you talking about?" she finally said through heavy tears.  "You're telling me this is Alexis?   My sister?  After 10 years?"

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