Part 61

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Nichole's POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling like a complete train wreck, as the memories of last night came crashing back.  Everything was completely fucked up.  And I didn't even really know what I was feeling.  I was still angry about our argument.  Angry about the situation.  But even more, I was angry about how I acted.  Angry about the things that were said.  But even more than anything else, angry that Alexis had refused to see things my way.

Cameron was bad news.  It was blatantly obvious.  But Lexi didn't seem to see it that way.  At all.  And it angered me because I just assumed that she would agree with my point of view.  She always had before.  And of course I wanted her to be independent and make her own decisions and chose her own friends.  But, of all the people, why did she have to pick the workplace whore to be friends with?  And yes, it was true what Lexi had said.  I had no real basis for my accusations, but I could tell by the way that Cameron looked at Lexi.  And how she was touching her.  I could sense her vibe.   And in all honesty, it disgusted me.

I went across the hall and opened up our bedroom door, only to find Lexi not there.  I took a quick shower and then went downstairs, as I was immediately hit by the aroma of fresh brewed coffee.  

I walked into the kitchen and looked her.  But she quickly looked away, obviously still upset at me.

I got a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen island.  The silence between us was unbearable, and I knew it couldn't continue.  It just wasn't healthy.  "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.  "About what happened last night?"

She looked at me, her eyes filled with hurt.  She hesitated for a moment, then finally spoke.  "Why would you act like that, Nichole, and why would you say all of those terrible things about anyone at all, let alone my friend?"

I sighed.  "Alexis, are you serious right now?"  I said in a calm voice, trying to remain composed, because the last thing I wanted was a repeat of last night.   But yet at the same time, I needed to make my point.  "You barely even know her.  Why do you care what I call her?"

"Because it was disrespectful."

"But I can't help the way I feel about her, Lexi.  She's bad news."

Then all of a sudden, I could see her start to get angry.  "But you didn't even give her a chance.  You're just jumping to conclusions.  Without anything to back it up."

"Look, I may not have any actual proof, but I can just tell.  It's pretty obvious."

"Well, it's not obvious to me.  I don't see anything wrong with her at all.  I think she's nice."

I rolled my eyes.  God, she could be so naive.  But I I did my best to try to remain calm.  Because  I didn't want to argue with her anymore.  Instead what I really wanted, was to try to come to some kind of understanding.  Some type of common ground, because it was quickly becoming obvious that neither one of us was going to completely give into the other, or to be able to fully see it from each other's point of view.  It just wasn't going to happen.

"And I'm glad she's nice to you.  Or at least you think she is.  But I can't help but wonder what her intentions are."

She furrowed her eyebrows together, and looked at me confused.  "What do you mean?"

At the very moment, I realized that she really didn't get it.  "Lexi..."


"You honestly don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?"

"Oh my god.  I can't believe you don't see it."

"See what?" she asked, obviously not having any idea what I was talking about.

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