Part 23

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Nichole's POV:

Finally, after three long excruciating hours of driving in the same car as Satan herself , we finally pulled into her parent's lodge.  Needless to say, Sydney had fought with me the entire time, over everything imaginable.  Everything from work, to our personal lives, even to getting here.  It was somehow all my fault.  How, I wasn't sure.  But I was somehow responsible for everything that wrong in this girl's life.  And quite honestly, it was starting to get sick of it.  The weekend hadn't even started yet and I had already had just about enough of her.

"Well, we would have been here a long time ago, if you hadn't told me to turn right instead of left, back at that intersection.  You fucked everything up", Sydney said, pissed, as she parked the car.

"How is that my fault?  That's what the directions said to do.  You wrote it down wrong.  All I did was fucking read it", I said, tired of her and her piss poor attitude.

"Just shut the hell up", she said, knowing damn well she was the one who messed it up.  Not me.  Even though she'd never admit it. 

But, as bad as the ride up was,  now that we were finally here, we had a new problem.  A bigger problem:  Pretending to be a couple.  A couple that actually liked each other.  And I knew we had to be convincing, or Sydney would never hold up her end of the bargain.

"Let's just forget about it, ok?  We got off to a rough start, but we got here, at least.  So, let's just go in and get this over with", I said, just wanting this to be over with as soon as possible.

"Fine.  But you better not fuck this up.  You have to be convincing.  And make sure you stick to the game plan."

"Stop worrying about me.  And for once,  just worry about yourself", I shot back, sick of her telling me what to do.

"I'm not worried about me, it's you.  If anyone is gonna fuck this up, it's gonna be you.  I just know it."

"Just shut up", I said, sick of hearing her mouth, as she had been running it nonstop since we left.

"No, you shut up", she said, opening up the trunk.

I rolled my eyes, and decided once again, to just let it go.  Because when it came down to it, that was really the only way to deal with her.  Just let it go.

After we got our bags out of the trunk, we started walking towards the front door.  

"Hold my hand", Sydney whispered, when we got close to the door.

"No!  I don't wanna hold your hand.  It's not necessary", I said.  Because it wasn't.  We didn't need to be touching each other right off the bat, did we?  No,, we did not.

"Yes it is", she snapped.  "Just hold my fucking hand", she said, extending her hand.  "If we're gonna act like girlfriends, you have to do affectionate things, like hold my hand.  So just do it."

Just then, before I could answer, Sydney's parents opened the door.  I quickly reached down and held Sydney's hand.  She smiled, obviously pleased that I had listened to her.

They greeted us very warmly.  And after they showed us around, we all went and sat in the living room, to get settled in.

"So, how have you been, Nichole?  We haven't seen you in so long", Sydney's mother said.  

Her parents were actually very nice people.  They were very polite, respectful and down to earth.  They had always treated me kindly and were always very welcoming and easy going.  So, how Sydney was so different from them was beyond me. 

"I've been good.  Just working a lot."

"And how's that going?" her dad asked.

"It's going good.  Just busy.  We have quite a few new models that the agency just recently  signed.  So, it's challenging getting them up to speed, but it keeps things interesting, that's for sure."

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