Part 22

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Nichole's POV:

"I knew you would change your mind", Sydney said, smuggly, as we sat in a coffee shop across the street from the modeling agency.

"Well, what choice did I have?"  I mean really.  She had me backed into a corner here.

"So, what exactly is the game plan here?" I asked, wanting to know exactly what she was expecting, and to make sure that we were both on the same page.   "What exactly are your expectations for me?"  

"Well, the only way we're gonna be able to pull this off, is to make it look like we're a real couple.  Like holding hands, and kissing.  Stuff like that."

"Oh my God.  Are you serious?!"  I asked, starting to think that maybe this was a bad idea.

"Well, how else would they think we were dating?"

"But, we don't even like each other", I said honestly.  Because it was true.  We couldn't stand each other.  Let alone wanna touch each other. 

"Look, I don't like it anymore than you do.  You're like the last person I would wanna touch."

I shot her a look. "Well, trust me.  I don't wanna kiss or touch you either."

"Fuck you", she said, glaring back at me.

"No, how about fuck you?"

"You are so fucking ignorant, Nichole."

"Me?  You're the one who said it first."

"Well, that's because it's true", she said.  "My reasons are way more than yours."

"Why?  What did I ever do to you that was so bad?" I asked.

"You dumped me.  And nobody dumps me.  Nobody."

"Well, I didn't do it to be mean.  It's just didn't work out, OK?    But look, I don't wanna sit here and fucking argue with you.  I just wanted to meet to go over the game plan.  So, if there's nothing else, then I'm leaving", I said, just wanting to get away from her.

"No.  Basically that's it.  Act like a real couple and that we actually like each other.  Just don't fuck it up.  Or I won't destroy the tapes."

God, I hated her, I thought as I walked back to the agency.  But at least that was done, and now that I had touched base with Sydney, I was on to the next problem.  Alexis.  Should I tell her?  Or should I lie to her?

I sighed.  It was so tempting to lie to her.  I could easily say I had to go out of town for work.  And she probably would never find out.  I probably could get away with it easily.   But, I just couldn't bring myself to do that to her.  I loved her.  And our relationship was built on trust.  And the last thing in the world that I would ever wanna do would to be break that.  It just wasn't worth it.


Alexis' POV:

Later on that night, we were sitting at the dining room table eating dinner, just like we did every night.  But, lately, and especially tonight, Nichole was acting different.  She was acting distant and she seemed preoccupied, as if something was bothering her.  And I was just so afraid that I had done something wrong.  Or that she was mad at me.  Or maybe it was something even worse.  But I definitely could sense that something was wrong.  But before I could question her about it, she spoke.

"Lexi, there's something I need to talk to you about."

"What is it?" I asked timidily, almost afraid to know, but yet at the same time, I knew I needed to,  because whatever it was, it was obviously bothering her.

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