Part 13

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Alexis' POV:

The next morning, I woke up in Nikki's bed.  My face buried in her sheets, as the familiar scent of vanilla and lavender once again filled my senses.   But, just as quickly, an unfamiliar sensation washed over me.  I was used to waking up with her next to me.  But this morning was different.  Her arms weren't wrapped around me.  Her legs weren't entwined with mine, as they usually were.  I reached over and felt her side of the bed.  It was empty.  She wasn't there.  I quickly sat up and looked at the clock.  It was 11:00 am on a Friday.  Fuck, I must've slept in. 

Then I suddenly remembered it was a workday.  I started to panic.  Fuck, I was late for work!  How did I sleep in so long?  And why didn't Nikki wake me?  She always woke me.  This wasn't like her at all.

I quickly jumped out of bed.  I ran into her bathroom.  No sign of her.  I ran into my bedroom, then all through the upstairs.  She wasn't there.

I ran downstairs.  The living room was empty.  I started to panic.  Where was she?  

I ran into the kitchen.  Then out onto the deck.  Still no sign of her.  I ran downstairs and scoured the basement.  It was empty.  She wasn't anywhere.

I started to panic.  Maybe she just left and went to work without telling me.  But why would she do that?  That wouldn't be like her at all.  That would be completely atypical.  Then I started to think something worse, that maybe something horrible had happened to her.  Something terrible.  Oh god, what if something happened?  Where was she?!  Why wasn't she here?!  And why would she just leave?!  My hands started to shake and the room began to spin, as I was now in a full blown panic attack. 

Just then, I heard the front door open.  I ran out to the living room.   It was Nikki.  She was here.  She was safe.  I let out a loud sigh of relief.  

"Hey", she said looking at me, confused.  And from the look on her face, she must have sensed something was wrong.  "Are you ok?" she asked coming over to me.

"I-I.... I didn't know where you were.  I... I thought you were gone", I said, my voice trembling, still visibly shaken up.

"No babe, I didn't go anywhere.  I just went to take the garbage out, that's all."

And yes, I was glad that she was back.  She was here.  She was safe.  And I was relieved beyond belief that she was here.  But for some reason, I was shaking and I could feel my eyes begin to wail up with tears.  And without knowing exactly why, I started to cry.  Why I don't really know.  Maybe it was the fact that I was still scared of the thought of her leaving.  Or the fact that I had feared that the worst had happened - that she would never come back.  And I would be alone.  All by myself.  But she was back.  She was here.  And I knew she was safe.  And logically, I knew I was overreacting.  But I couldn't help it.  I  just felt so overwhelmed.

She looked at me, still somewhat confused, her face full of worry and concern.  "Alexis, what is it?  What's wrong?"

I tried to answer her, to explain why I was upset, because I couldn't.  I couldn't stop crying.

"Baby, what's wrong?  Hey, don't cry", she said softly as she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close.  I buried my head into her chest and cried.  And I fucking knew I was overreacting, but I just couldn't help it.

And yes, I had been alone before.  I was alone on the streets for weeks before Nikki rescued me.  But that was different.  Being on the streets was pure survival.  Survival was all I thought about.  It was all that mattered.  And there, I knew I was going to be alone,  but it was worth it because I was escaping a life of abuse, in hopes of a better life, so it was necessary and something  I had to do.  I hade no choice but to be alone.  

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