Part 3

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Alexis' POV:

I'd been living in the city for 2 weeks.  Or I should say, on the streets for 2 weeks.

After escaping Cal, I was now homeless, but I didn't care too much about that.  I had found an alley, tucked away on a back street.  And no one bothered me.  So, I felt pretty lucky about that.

And I still had most of my money.  Because I only spent what I absolutely had to.  I had to be careful.  Because it was all I had, and I didn't know if or when I would get more.  

I was living on cereal bars and peanut butter sandwhiches.  But, I didn't really mind.  I liked peanut butter.  It was good.

I had already applied for several jobs, mostly waitress jobs.  But the problem was, all the applications required an permanent address and a phone number.  And I didn't have either.

Maybe I could find a cheap apartment to rent.  Maybe I had enough to pay for a month.  And that would give me time to get a job.   

I was rummaging through the garbage.  Something I never thought I would do.  But, I was desparate.  So, I put my pride aside and did what I had to do.

Not so much for food.  But, for something soft.  Something I could use as a bed.  Or a blanket.  Or a pillow.  Sleeping on the ground was cold and uncomfortable.  And my ribs still hurt, so I could only sleep on my back.  But, I hated sleeping on my back.  I always slept on my stomach.  So, most of my nights had been sleepless.

And that wasn't even the worst part about the nights.  The worst part was that they were dark and scary.  And I was terrified.  Terrified of being robbed, raped, kidnapped, or even murdered.  So much so, that sometimes I would force myself to stay awake all night, too afraid to fall asleep.

So, I was always glad when the morning came.  Because not only did it mean light, and a false sense of safety, it also meant a new day.  And that meant new hope.  Maybe today would be better.  God, I hope so.



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Nikki's POV:

I was my way to work.  I was a fashion photographer for a major modeling agency, which basically meant I photographed beautiful, sexy, hot models for a living.   Which was a pro for me, considering the fact that I was bisexual.  But, every job had it's perks, I guess.  And beautiful women was definitely a perk.

Another one, was that I lived close by.   And on nice days, like this, I could walk.

The cool morning breeze hit my face, causing me to shiver a bit.  Although the weather was still warm, there was beginning to be an autumn chill in the air.  The familiar route to my office wasn't far.  I was only a few blocks away from the agency, when something, or I should say, someone, caught my eye.

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