Part 50

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AN:  A shout out to my beautiful girlfriend, who's an ongoing inspiration.   Love you baby.

Alexis' POV:

I walked into the large classroom that was buzzing with activity, as students everywhere chattered loudly amongst themselves.   And I immediately stopped dead in my tracks, nearly frozen with fear.  There were people everywhere.  Strangers.  And I knew instantly that I was completely out of my comfort zone.   And feeling nothing less than overwhelmed, I began to feel  myself grow tense, nearly on a verge of panic attack, as anxiety and nervousness began to completely over take me.

Not knowing what else to do, I looked around nervously, quickly scanning the room, looking for her.  Where was she?  Where?  I knew she was here somewhere. But where?

And just as I was about to have a full blown panic attack, right then and there,  I suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, saw her waving me over to where, just as promised, she had saved me a seat.

I let out a loud sigh of relief, as a small smile spread across my face.  Maddie.  She was here and had saved me a seat.  Just like she had promised.  Just like she had said she would.  And I immediately, within seconds, felt better, just knowing that she was here and that I wasn't alone in this big classroom full of strangers.  And in all my life, I don't think I was ever so happy to see a familiar face.

But as I  walked across the room to take me seat next to Maddie, something happened that I wasn't expecting.  Something I hadn't planned on.  All of a sudden, I could feel all eyes upon me, and it felt like the entire room was starring at me.  Wtf?  I thought.  Why was everyone looking at me?  And I suddenly regretted wearing the shirt that Nichole had warned me about.  Because, maybe it was just my imagination, but it made me feel like I was sticking out even more.  And the last thing I wanted was to draw more attention to myself.  Especially negative attention.  Which was exactly what this was.  Not knowing what else to do, I tried to ignore it and walked as quickly as I could, to get to Maddie.  And just as I was almost there, almost to my safe haven, I walked past a tall, dark haired boy, who looked right at me and then without warning, let out a loud whistle.  The classroom quickly went quiet and suddenly even more eyes were on me, and I could feel my face start to heat up with pure embarrassment, as I heard people began to snicker.  Literally laughing at me.

I sank into my seat next to Maddie, feeling like I wanted to die.  I had just been embarrassed in front of the entire class.  And more than anything, I absolutely hated having people starring at me, just in general, and having that kind of unwanted attention on me, especially in a room full of strangers.  It made me want to literally sink through the floor.  People I didn't even know.  Staring and laughing at me.  I just wanted to die.  Right then and there.  And the only thing I knew for sure was that this wasn't a good start at all for my very first class on my very first day.

And I'm not gonna say that the thought didn't cross my mind to get up right then and there and leave.  Maddie immediately sensed my uneasiness and her face grew angry as she glared at the rude boy who had just embarrassed me in front of everybody.

He immediately looked away, everting his eyes away from her.  And from me, as he refocused his attention to the front of the classroom as the professor walked in.

"Don't let that get to you", Maddie whispered, as the class finally began to come to order.  

"What was that all about?" I whispered back.

"I don't know.  He must think you're attractive or something, but doesn't know how to act right.  Or how to be respectful to a lady", she said, clearly aggravated, glaring at him again.  "Jerk."

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