Part 30

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Alexis' POV:

"Well, well, well.  Look what we have here?  Little miss runaway", Cal, said, as he sat down and plopped his feet on the table.  He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, and blew the smoke directly in my face.  

I coughed and fanned the smoke away with my hands.  

He laughed because he thought it was funny.  He obviously hadn't changed.  At all.

Without even realizing it, my entire body was trembling in pure fear.  Being this close to him in the flesh was absolutely terrifying.  I looked around nervously for Nichole.  Where was she?  She was nowhere in sight. 

"Always knew you would come back", he said, flicking the ashes of his cigarette on the floor.

I shook my head.  "I-I..." I was so petrified I couldn't even speak.  I looked around again for Nikki. She still wasn't anywhere.  I began to panic, even more.

"Where the fuck were you?", he asked sternly, furrowing his eye brows together.

"I-I... that's none of your business", I said, somehow mustering up the courage to try to stand my ground with him the best I could.  Even though on the inside, I was shaking uncontrollably.

His face began to anger, and he moved towards me.  Just inches from my face.  I could smell the alcohol and cigarettes on his breathe.  But even worse than that, just the mere fact that he was this physically close to me literally scared me to death.  It absolutely petrified me.  His dominance reined over me, the same as it always had.  And I felt so incredibly small and vulnerable in his presence.  Just like I always did.  Nothing had changed at all.  He was exactly the same.  But the way he was, was the reason I left.  The reason I ran away.  But what was even more, was that I was never supposed to see him again.  But here he was.  Right in front of me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, talking to me like that?  It's every goddamn bit of my business.  I'm your boyfriend.  And you're coming back with me right now."

He grabbed my arm.  And I tried to pull it away, but he was too strong and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break free.  He wouldn't let go.

"Get your fucking hands off of her!"


Nichole's POV:

What the fuck was going on?  I just went to the restroom for a few short minutes, only to come back to see some strange man sitting  at our table, grabbing hold of Lexi's arm.

"Let go of her, right now!"

Cal glanced up.  "If you don't mind, this is a private conversation", he said sternly, then quickly let go of her arm.

"Private conversation?" I said, confused.  "Who the hell are you?  And how do you know Lexi?"

"I'm her boyfriend", he said, standing up, and towering over me. 

"Cal?" I asked, in disbelief that he was all of a sudden, standing right in front of me.  I had no idea what he even looked like.  She had never said.  But he was pretty much what I had expected.  He was over 6 feet tall, a muscular build, and very rugged looking.   And clearly Lexi would have been no match for him, physically.  His sheer size alone would have completely overtaken her.   And that was more than evident from all the scars and bruises that he had left on her body.

"Yeah, that's me.  How do you know me?  And who the fuck are you?" he demanded, obviously trying to intimidate me.

I laughed, because I clearly wasn't afraid of him.  Well, maybe I was a little, but I wasn't about to let on.  "Oh trust me.  I know who you are.  First of all, you're NOT her boyfriend.  You're her ex.  There's a difference.  And I'm her girlfriend.  And you, sir, need to get the fuck away from her.  Right now.  And don't fucking touch my girl again."

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