Part 46

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Nichole's POV:

I woke up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee.  Which normally, I would of loved.  But this morning was different.  I rolled over and put the pillow over my head, not wanting to get up just yet.  Lexi and I had had a wild night of fiancé sex last night.  And quite honestly, I was exhausted. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I drifted back to sleep.  

About an hour later, I woke up and reluctantly got out of bed, and took a long hot shower.  We had just gotten back from vacation yesterday, also.  And I was tired from that too.  After my shower, I got dressed in casual clothes and made my way down stairs.

Lexi was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.  Taking advantage of the opportunity, I went up behind her and put my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.  "Good morning, beautiful", I whispered in her ear.

She turned around to face me, as she wrapped her arms around my waist, as well, and smiled as she kissed my lips.  "Good morning, baby."

I helped her finish cooking, then we sat at the table and ate breakfast together and talked about what we had planned for the weekend.   We were going to my parent's house tomorrow for Sunday dinner.  And we had decided to take the opportunity to announce our engagement to my family.  We thought it would be best to do it together and in person.

But today, we had other plans.  Something I quite honestly was a little nervous about.  I was going to give Lexi her first driving lesson.  Her first lesson ever.  She had never even been behind the wheel of a car before.   So needless to say, I was nervous.  And I just hoped it went alright, and she didn't wreck the car or kill us or anything.  I was gonna need two cups of coffee for this, I thought as I poured myself another cup.

"So you've never driven at all before?" I asked, as I got in the passenger side, as we sat in the driveway.

"No", she said, sitting in driver's seat, putting her seatbelt on.

"Not at all?  Like never?"

"No", she repeated.  "What's this?", she asked pointing to the gas pedal.

"That's the gas pedal.  And the other one is the break.  They're both very important... especially the break."

"Ok.  What are all these other things?"

After spending a shitload of time going over all the controls multiple times, I officially began our first lesson.

"Ok, so we're just gonna go around the block today.  Just keep it simple.  And kinda ease our way into this", I said.  

"Ok, I'm ready whenever you are", she responded.

"I'm ready.  Go ahead and start the engine.  And for gods sake, keep your foot on the break."

"I know.  I'm not stupid, Nichole," she shot back, rolling her eyes.

"Babe, I never said you were.  I didn't mean it like that.  I just wanna make sure is all."

She turned the key and started the engine.  And the next thing I knew we took off like a shot and started heading right towards a tree that was in the front yard.

"Stop!  That's the gas, Alexis!  The other pedal!  The break!"

She slammed on the break and we stopped just in time before hitting the tree.

"Turn the engine off", I demanded.  She turned it off and we sat in the driveway. 

"Jesus, Alexis!  You almost killed us", I said, perhaps a little too harsh.  Because the next thing I knew she started crying.

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