Part 42

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Nichole's POV:

It was mid summer, and fall was quickly approaching, which meant college would be starting soon.  There was still so much left to do: last minute financial aid paperwork, buying books and supplies, and of course clothes shopping.  Lots and lots of clothes shopping.  So, even though we had already done a lot to get ready for school, there was still lots more to do.

And plus, we still had summer vacation coming up.  Lexi and I were going to the beach for a week.  The beach was a place she had never been, so I was excited to be the one that would get to share this special first moment with her.

But today, however, was a special day in itself.  Maddie was coming to visit for the weekend.   And my sister, Alyssa, was coming over too, to meet Maddie for the first time and just to hang out with us.

"Are you excited to see Maddie?" I asked Lexi, as I was getting food ready for a bbq that we were planning to have later that day.

"Yes!  Very much", she said, smiling.

I smiled back because quite frankly, it warmed my heart to see her happy because the last few weeks had been rough for her with all the nightmares she had been having.  They were really taking a tool on her.  So much so, her therapist had switched her anti anxiety medications to see if perhaps the nightmares were part of an adverse reaction from the medication.  Plus, she had increased the frequency of her therapy sessions too, in hopes that more sessions would help.

But with Maddie coming to visit, it seemed to breath new life into her.  For the first time in a long time.  And for that, I was grateful.  Because quite simply, seeing her happy made me happy.

"Good, I'm glad", I said, smiling back, then pecking her lips.   "Alyssa is excited too", I added.

"Do you think they're gonna wanna be roommates?" she asked.

I laughed.  "I have no idea.  Who knows?  Anything could happen.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

Just then there was a loud knock on the door.

"It's her!" she exclaimed.  "Maddie's here!"  she said, jumping up and running to the door. 

Before I could even react, she opened the door.  But instead of hearing sounds of joy and excitement,  I heard something quite the opposite.

"Oh... it's you", she said, stepping aside and letting Alyssa come in.

"Hey, what kinda greeting is that?" Alyssa asked, with a mouthful of gum.

Alexis, quickly shook her head.  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean it that way.  I was just expecting you to be Maddie.

"She's not here yet?" Alyssa asked, making herself at home, as she went into the kitchen and began raiding the pantry.  "Where are the snacks?"

"No, but she should be here soon", Alexis said.

"Hey sis," I said, looking up from what I was doing.

"Hey", Alyssa said, pulling out a bag of Doritos from the pantry, and hopping up on the counter.   She tossed her gum in the garbage, then reached into the bag and took a handful of Doritos and shoved them in her mouth.  "What are you making?"

"We're gonna have a bbq.  Hamburgers and hotdogs. Chicken.  Macaroni salad.  Stuff like that" I said, as I continued to prep the food. 

"Good.  I'm hungry", she said, shoving even more Doritos in her mouth. 

Just then the doorbell rang.  And Alexis immediately jumped up.  "It's her!  It's Maddie!"  she exclaimed, running to the door.  

I immediately began to feel nervous.  After all, I had only met Maddie once.  And considering the circumstances, it had been a pretty intense meeting.  So, in actuality,  we had never really hung out like this before, in a more relaxed, causal manner.  And I guess you could say, I didn't really know Maddie or her personality that much.  And likewise, she didn't really know me.  And I suddenly began to feel not only nervous, but also insecure.  What if she didn't like me?   Or didn't think I was good enough for her sister?  I was suddenly overwhelmingly filled with self doubt.  But one thing I knew for sure, was that I loved Alexis and I very much wanted Maddie to accept me.  

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