Chapter Twenty Five

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I looked at the time to see it was coming up to 11am. Mattia was already awake and getting ready for some reason. But I needed him to look after Mia and Axel so I could get across to this meeting.

"Where are you going?" I asked casually, sitting at the small vanity dresser and starting my make up. Mattia pulled a shirt and tie out of his suitcase, which only made me more suspicious. But I turned to look at the pastel pink dress I'd packed and rolled my eyes. Way to dress down.

"It's a surprise" Mattia replied in a low tone, looking  over at Axel and Mia who were still sound asleep. I watched as he walked over to the mirror, becoming flustered as he tried to put his tie on.

"Here" I said, walking over to him. He turned to face me and kept his eyes on me as I adjusted his tie.

"I shouldn't be too long" he said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I held onto his tie and looked up at him.

"Can you at least take the kids? I have to be somewhere too" I said, feeling a little guilty. Mattia sighed and shook his head. He let go of me and went to put on his shoes instead.

"So we both came on this trip with an ulterior motive" he said, slipping on a shoe and doing the laces. I nodded, going to continue my makeup.

"What was yours?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same question" he said, avoiding eye contact with me. I pressed my lips together and wondered whether I should come clean.

"At least take Axel, I'll take Mia" I said, changing the subject quickly.

"Fine" he said, going over to wake her up. I watched as she tried to ignore him, but she always gave in to Mattia. He smiled and carried her out of bed, towards the bathroom. I walked over to Axel and kissed his smooth forehead. I decided it'd be easier to wrap him in a blanket than wake him up this early. He'd only be cranky for the rest of the day.

I took my dress out and got changed as Mia came out of the bathroom. She looked up at me in awe, a smile spreading across her face.

"I wanna be pretty like you, Mamma" she said, wrapping her arms around me. I smiled and kneeled down so I could hug her properly. I looked at her and covered her little face in kisses, laughing when she tried to get out of my grasp.

"You're prettier than me, babygirl" I said, staring into her beautiful brown eyes. She went shy and ran over to the suitcase, pulling out an outfit for the day.

"You look good" said Mattia, his eyes travelling across my dress.

"As do you" I said, giving him a small smile. He went over to help Mia get ready and I turned on my hair straighteners. I saw Axel stirring in his sleep through the mirror reflection and Mattia looked over at me.

"You're not getting him dressed?" he asked.

"Nah" I shrugged, starting on my hair "I'll change him in the car ride"

"You booked a car?" he asked, pulling Mia's dress over her head as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"A taxi, Mattia"

"Where are you going? I don't like that we've been hiding things from each other" he said, walking over to me. I looked over at Mia as she tied her sandals and back at Mattia who was frowning at me.

"You'll find out soon, I'm just not ready to tell you yet" I said firmly.

"Should I be worried?" he said, glancing at Mia.

"No?" I said, wondering myself what the answer to that question was. He let out an exaggerated sigh before walking back to Mia.

"Just look after yourself?" he said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. I nodded and leaned down to kiss Mia's head.

"You too" I said, watching them leave the room. I let out a breath and tilted my head back, closing my eyes for a second. This was all getting too much.


Y'all we're coming to the end, which means the chapters are getting shorter, obviously the last one will be long. But these ones to the build up of the last chapter will be shorter, and therefore I'll be posting them a lot quicker.

Hope that made sense! 💕

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