Chapter Ten

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My finger hovered over Mattia's name in my phone. He still hadn't texted me back, and if anything I needed to know if Mia was okay.

Me: Hey, I hope you're doing okay, how's Mia?

I held my breath as I sent the message, debating on whether to just delete it altogether. But Axel's cries distracted me and I turned off my phone.


I read her message with no idea of how I was meant to reply. I knew it was wrong of me to keep Mia away from her. I got out of bed and stretched out, looking around my old room. Mom was never happy whenever I told her about Elena and I having an argument. But me coming back home just upset her even more.

I walked downstairs and saw Mia eating cereal, Mom sitting next to her.

"Hey Mia, go get changed" I said, leaning down to kiss her head. She hopped off the bar stool and disappeared upstairs. I watched her leave before closing the door and going to sit next to Mom.

"What's happened son?" she said, putting her phone down. I told her about how I was planning to take Mia to our house so Elena could be with her. But I didn't tell her about what I saw the other day. I wanted to deal with that myself. Plus, Elena and my Mom have a really good relationship, and it wasn't worth ruining over that.

"I think that's a good idea" she smiled, giving me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her shoulder. I didn't trust anyone the same way I trusted my Mom. I pulled away to go check on Mia, making my way upstairs. I walked into the room Mom had made for her and saw her trying to braid her hair. I stayed by the door for a second, watching as she licked her lips nervously, trying to hold all the sections of her hair at once.

"Hmph" she sighed, falling back onto the bed. I laughed at her antics, entering the room.

"Cmon let's get Grandma to do your hair" I said, holding out my hand. She took ahold and we went downstairs.

Once she'd done her hair, we went into the hallway and I got her coat and shoes out.

"So where are we going, Papa?" she asked, putting her shoes on as Mom joined us in the hallway.

"I thought I'd take you to Mamma's house for the day" I said, waiting for the smile to appear on her face. But instead there was a frown.

"I don't wanna go" she mumbled, taking her shoes off. I furrowed my brows, looking at Mom who had the same reaction as me.

"What? Why? I thought you were excited" I said, picking her up. But she shook her head.

"I just wanna do something else" she said, confusing me even more. Mia was always looked up to Elena, they would be stuck together like glue. Maybe the separation had hurt her more than I'd thought.

"Okay.. where should we go then?" I said with a smile, trying to cheer her up more. She shrugged, laying her head on my shoulder. I looked at Mom for help but she mouthed "I don't know" and quickly went into the kitchen. I pulled out my phone and had a look if there was any place nice to take Mia.

"What about the beach?" I said. Her eyes lit up and she nodded excitedly. It was a little windy but I wanted to get her mind off Elena and I.


I laid out a blanket on the sand and took a seat as Mia took her bucket and spade, running towards the water.

"Don't go too close to the water, honey!" I called, she turned around and stuck a thumbs up at me. I chuckled, taking out my phone and looking back at Elena's message. I ran a hand through my hair and thought about what to reply.

Me: We'll just see you at the party tomorrow

But I erased the message before I'd even sent it. I couldn't be insensitive like that. But on the other hand, I missed my son. I thought back to the time when Mia had asked me if Axel would be able to walk. Even though the answer was obviously no, it just made me paranoid. What if I was missing special moments?

"She's gorgeous"

I looked up and saw a brown haired female stood beside me. I followed her gaze and she was staring straight at Mia who was excitedly building a sandcastle.

"Well that's my little girl" I said, putting my phone away. The woman looked down at me, giving me a small smile.

"Can I sit?" she asked, pointing to the space beside me. I hesitated at first, but then remembered the way Elena's hands were so desperately clinging onto Kairi's shirt.

"Sure" I smiled. She took a seat, holding her hand out to me.

"I'm Cassidy"

"Mattia" I said, shaking her hand. She gave me a once over before seeing the ring on my finger.

"You're married?"

"To a beautiful lady, yes"

Even though I was mad with Elena, and she'd practically ripped my heart to shreds, I still couldn't bring myself to talk shit about her. She was everything I'd ever needed, even though she did me so wrong.

"You doing anything this weekend?" I asked, changing the topic. She thought about it for a second before shaking her head. I smiled.

"I have an idea, Cassidy"

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