Chapter Fourteen

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I felt Mattia breathing heavily as he watched the cab arrive for Cassidy.

"I'm not letting them get away with it" he said. I held onto him a little tighter, keeping an eye out for Vic.

"Not here, Mattia"

"I don't give a fuck" he said, shaking me off and walking towards them. I hurried after him and tried to pull him back, but he'd always been stronger. Kairi saw us coming and got Cassidy into the taxi quickly, but I ran up to the driver, slipping him a $10 bill to wait.

"Son of a bitch" said Mattia, swinging his fist directly into Kairi's jaw. Kairi held his cheek in agony as he stumbled backwards, eventually falling onto the ground. I looked at Mattia who was shaking as he rolled up the sleeves on his shirt.

"What the fuck?" shouted Kairi, looking up at us. Mattia looked at Cassidy who was backed up against the cab, pure fear on her face.

"I can't believe you planned all this" Mattia yelled. His face was turning red as he built his strength back up, before violently kicking Kairi in the chest. I let him go at it for a second before pulling him back as Kairi tried to catch his breath.

"What are you doing?" he said, pulling away from me. I rolled my eyes before answering him.

"You're going to kill him, Mattia"


"You don't deserve..." Kairi started, turning our attention towards him. He let out a groan, his hand where Mattia had kicked him.

Kairi struggled to get his words out, causing Cassidy to drop down beside him.

"Don't talk, your ribs are probably bruised" she whispered, caressing his cheek with the back of her hand. Kairi leaned into her hand as Mattia and I watched in disgust.

"You know she called my daughter a bitch?" I said bluntly. I saw Cassidy quickly remove her hand, looking at the ground. Kairi's eyes widened and he looked at Cassidy. She avoided his gaze, inviting an awkward silence.

"You did that?" he breathed, as Cassidy made eye contact. She slowly nodded her head, her eyes filling with tears. Kairi reached forward and plucked the $20 out of her hand that he'd paid her earlier. Her expression became sour immediately.

"Give me my money, I did what you asked"

"She's seven years old" Kairi shook his head, standing up. Cassidy stood up too and moved closer to him.

"Give me my money" she demanded. Kairi put the money in his trouser pocket, only adding more fuel to the fire.

"What the fuck, Kairi!" she shrieked. I stepped between them, causing Cassidy to take a step back.

"I think it's best you leave"

"Fuck you" she hissed. Before I had a chance to respond, Cassidy's fist had made contact with my stomach. In the exact same place Jackson had shot me. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and doubled over, trying to stop the excruciating pain.

"You fucking psycho!" Mattia shouted at Cassidy, rushing over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my head in his chest, holding my breath.

"Fuck outta here!" yelled Kairi, but the taxi still didn't move. Mattia held me tighter and I shut my eyes tight, trying to ignore the pain.

"She just got shot in her stomach, why the fuck would you punch her there?" said Mattia. I watched her getting into the taxi, Kairi ran a hand through his hair.

"She obviously didn't fucking know that" he said, looking at the ground. Mattia looked at him in disappointment, shaking his head.

"Why the fuck are you defending her?"

"I'm not defending her!" Kairi argued. I put my hand on Mattia's arm, and he stopped yelling.

"Anyway I'll leave" said Cassidy, holding onto the door "and I actually did know you were shot in the stomach"

I looked up to see she was staring right at me, causing a sick feeling to appear in my stomach.

"What are you talking about?" I said, watching as a small smirk spread across her face.

"I just wish my brother had finished the job"

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