Chapter Eleven

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I changed into a blue shirt with white shorts once I'd gotten out the shower. Mom insisted on getting Mia ready so I let her go ahead after she kept insisting.
After applying cologne, I headed downstairs to get Mia since we were already running late. My phone vibrated and I smiled at the text.

"You guys done?" I said, stepping into the living room. Mia was wearing a blue dress with blue bows in her hair. I smiled when I saw that we were matching.

"Papa we look the same" she giggled, running over to give me a hug. I thanked Mom and we went into the hallway to put her shoes on.

"Try sort it out with Elena, son" said Mom quietly. I took a sharp intake as she patted my back. I wanted to say something but I didn't want Mia to hear in on it. Instead, I nodded my head and held Mia's hand as we walked to the door.

I opened the door to see Cassidy standing there, wearing a pink dress with flowers in her hands.

"Who are you" said Mia, looking up at her. I nudged her quickly before greeting Cassidy.

"Hey, you look great" I said, giving her a warm smile.

"Thanks, I figured I'd take a present" she said, scrunching her nose. I picked up Mia in my arm so Cassidy wouldn't see the faces she was pulling at her.

"No yeah, I mean that's nice of you" I said, stepping outside.

"Mattia!" shouted Mom from inside. I pressed my lips together tightly, closing my eyes.

"Do you want me to.." said Cassidy, pointing at Mia and then my car. I nodded, handing Mia to her, but she squirmed around in my arms and started throwing a fit.

"Mia, please" I said, becoming irritated. She huffed in annoyance.

"Fine, but let me walk" she said, sticking her tongue out at Cassidy. But Cassidy laughed and looked at me as if I'd taught her to act that way.

"I'm sorry, she's never like this" I laughed nervously, but Cassidy shrugged it off and I watched them walk back to the car.

"Ma, what?" I demanded. I walked into the kitchen to see her leaning against the counter with her arms folded across her chest. Her nostrils were flared which was never a good sign.

"Elena looks a little different today"

"Oh God" I said, holding in my laugh "Cassidy is my friend, she's just my company for the party"

"Cassidy sounds an awful lot like Cindy, remember her?"

"Can you shut up?" I snapped, but instantly covered my mouth. Mom's head jerked backwards as if I slapped her.

"Get out" she said blankly.

"Mamma I'm sorry" I said quickly, trying to reach out to her, but she only swatted my hands away.

"I'm so fucking sorry for trying to help you fix your marriage, get out" she said, pointing towards the door. I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I walked to the door.


Mia watched as the strange lady in the front seat put her seatbelt on. She licked her lips nervously, building up the courage to open her mouth.

"You're not as pretty as my Mommy"

Cassidy turned to face her, a sly smile creeping up on her face as she leaned forward.

"Are you always a little bitch like this?"

Mia'a mouth dropped open and a frightful, little gasp escaped it. She sunk into her seat, her bottom lip starting to tremble. She's never heard that word before, she didn't even know what it meant. But from the way Cassidy had said it, she knew that it only came with the intention to cause hurt.

"I want my Mamma" she whispered to herself, wiping her tears as she saw her Father approaching the car, looking flustered.

"Everything good?" said Cassidy, in a much brighter tone than the one she'd used to speak to Mia. He nodded, starting the car.


I walked into Vic's garden with Axel in my arms. I'd dressed him in a white t shirt, complete with a set of navy dungarees. I decided to match with him by wearing a blue dress, and fixed my hair into a slicked back ponytail.

"You're here!" said Vic, running towards us with open arms. I hugged her tightly as she held Axel, covering him in kisses. I looked around and saw a bunch of people who were friends with Vic. I caught sight of Kairi, but Adriana wasn't with him. I assumed he'd told her.

"This looks so good" I said, picking up a cupcake. Vic smiled and looked around proudly.

"I mean, I made Alé wake up at 6am, but yes give me the credit" she winked. We both laughed, and Alejandro came up to us, pulling me into a hug. Vic walked away with Axel, taking him towards the other babies since they were all in a group by the pool.

"Hey Alé" I said, giving him a hug "where's the birthday boy?"

"Oh he's.."

But Alejandro's voice trailed off as his eyes traveled behind me.

"What is it?" I laughed, turning around. But Alé quickly spun me around so I was facing him instead.

"Nothing, did I tell you that blue is definitely your colour?" he said, forcing a laugh. I rolled my eyes and went to turn around again but he spun me back once more.

"What the fuck?"

"Vic! Where's Vic? I can't do this" he whined, looking around for her. I took my opportunity and turned around to see Mattia walking in with Mia, and someone else. A tall female, with brown wavy hair. Just like mine.

Mattia had really found the less hot version of me.

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