Chapter Nine

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Mattia held Mia's brown hair in three sections, keeping his eyes on the YouTube video ahead. His phone was balanced against his glass of orange juice, and Mia sat in front of him, eagerly eating her fruit loops.

"So then you'll want to place the first strand under the second strand" said the lady in the video. Mattia looked at Mia's hair and it left him completely puzzled. He had no idea how Elena could do it so effortlessly and make it look so good.

"You know what?" he said, turning his daughter around to face him. She looked up at him with a smile, and he brushed a few hairs out of her face.

"You look great with your hair down, baby" he said, kissing her forehead and turning his phone off.


Mattia stared at all the flowers in front of him. There were roses, orchids, daisies and lavenders. He was spoilt for choice.

"This one Papa!"

He looked down at his daughter who ran up to him with a bouquet of red roses. He smiled and leaned down to take them from her tiny hands.

"Good pick Mia" he said, holding his hand out. She took ahold and they made their way over to pay for them. Mia had to skip to keep up with her Father who's strides were large. But she also had a spring in her step because she had been looking forward to this day for well over a week now.

"I can't wait to see Mamma!" she squealed as Mattia paid for the flowers. He laughed, thanking the cashier, and walking Mia out the shop and towards his car.

"Neither can I, baby" he said, putting her seatbelt on and closing her door. He left the flowers on the backseat, before getting into his side. It was only a short ride to their home, and Mia couldn't wipe the smile off her face for the whole time.

"Do you think Axel can walk now?" She asked excitedly, looking over at her Father. Mattia kept his eyes on the road, but a grin appeared on his face.

"We only stayed at Grandma Camila's house for a week, Mia" he chuckled, parking his car a few miles away from the house. He wanted to surprise her, he missed seeing the smile on her face. The way her eyes sparkled whenever the corners of her lips curled upwards. He missed it all. He knew he wouldn't be able to stay away for too long.

"But this isn't our house" said a confused Mia. She looked around, the neighbourhood was unrecognisable to her, despite her house only being two streets away. Mattia got out the car and went over to help her out.

"I know, we're surprising Mommy" he said, holding her hand as he grabbed the bouquet. She reached up to him, looking at the flowers dreamily.

"Can I hold them?" she asked, and Mattia handed her the roses, locking his car. They walked down the street, hand in hand, both equally excited to see the most important woman they knew.

"How much longer, Papa" whined Mia. Usually Mattia would've dismissed it and told her they were nearly there. But this time, he was so full of excitement, that he picked her up and wrapped his arm around her as she held onto the flowers with two hands.

"Aren't you excited!?" She giggled, wrapping her little legs around Mattia. He laughed and kissed her cheek several times.

"I'm more excited than you are" he said, scrunching his nose at her. She furrowed her brows and shook her head.

"Well.. well" she said, trying to think of her comeback. She tapped her chin thoughtfully before an evil little smirk appeared on her face.

"Mamma loves me more than you" she said proudly. Mattia pretended to be shocked at her response, his mouth dropping open as Mia burst into giggles.

Finally, they'd made their way to their neighbourhood and Mattia set Mia on the ground so she could run up to their front door, like she wanted to. They both walked past the bushes, and Mattia was still a fair distance away from the house. But he could still peer through the window and he saw Axel's cradle by the couch and his heart did a backflip when he saw Elena not so far away from him.

But then he saw another figure, and instead of backflips, he felt his heart drop to his stomach. Of course it had to be Kairi. His hands were on her hips and she was pressed up against the counter.

"Come on Papa!" said Mia, running towards the house. Mattia pulled her back quickly, realising she hadn't seen them yet.

They both stayed behind a bush, and Mia frowned up at him.

"B-but I wanna see Mamma" she said, her voice slightly cracking. Mattia wiped her tears but then placed a finger to his lips.

"I think she has some guests over right now" he said, trying to hold himself together in front of his daughter. She nodded sadly, pulling at the grass beneath them. Mattia sighed as her bottom lip stuck out, but then looked back to see them both.

He watched as Elena moved her hands to his chest, maybe giving him the green light to pursue whatever he'd started. Mattia knew Elena well enough by now to know she wouldn't start something like this. Yet the sheer sight of her going along with it all made him want to throw up.

He watched as their lips moved closer, holding his breath. His hands curled up into fists but a huge wave of relief washed over him when he saw Vic's face. He leaned back against the bush, and sighed heavily.

"Papa?" said Mia, looking up at him. He turned his gaze towards her to see that she'd picked off some of the petals from the roses.

"I think I broke Mamma's present" she said guiltily, looking at the crushed rose petals in her hands.

"I think Mamma broke my heart" he muttered, wiping a hand over his face. Mia's head shot up and she wondered if she'd heard him right.


"I said I think Mamma wants to see us at another time" said Mattia, quickly plastering a smile on his face for the sake of his daughter. She nodded slowly, and he peered around the bush. The three of them were no longer to be seen in the kitchen.

"Let's go baby" he said, taking Mia's hand. She dropped the roses on the floor, knowing she heard her Father correctly the first time.

"So when do we see Mommy" she said, holding onto her Fathers' hand. She walked this time, she'd lost the spring in her step. Mattia thought about her question and shrugged, weighing up his options.

"Probably Saturday"

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