Chapter Two

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Alejandro and I had been sitting in the waiting room for well over three hours now. They hadn't let us in to see her, but Kairi had called to let me know Mia was alright. We saw a doctor walk out of Elena's ward, wiping his eyes. I jumped out of my seat and went over to him, Alejandro close behind.

"Hey Doc, what is it? Can I see her?"

He shook his head, his lower lip trembling slightly. My eyes widened yet I was still so confused over what the fuck was going on.

"I'm sorry, Mr Polibio" he said. Alejandro grabbed my arm, looking at me. We both had the same fucking thoughts running through our heads.

"Sorry for what?" I yelled, running past him and into the room. Elena was awake, but she was sobbing uncontrollably as the nurses tried to comfort her. A wave of relief washed over me to see her alive, but I still needed answers.

"I think you should have a word with your husband, you should be the one to tell him" one of the nurses said. After, they all left the room, joining Alejandro who stayed outside. I watched them all walk out, before joining Elena.

"I'm so glad you're alive" I said, wrapping my arms around her. She held onto me tightly, resting her head on my shoulder. I could feel her tears leaking through my shirt onto my skin.

"Mattiaaa" she wept, pulling away. I rubbed her back, trying to stop her tears. But they kept flowing.

"What is it, baby?" I said, my own eyes slowly filling with tears.


I parked up outside Mia's favourite Fro-Yo place and turned the engine off. I got out and helped her out too, holding her hand as we entered the building.

"Can I get sprinkles on mine?" she said, looking up at me.

"You can get whatever you want" I smiled, getting her a bowl from one of the shelves. She reached up and took it, before running wild, filling it up with as many sweets as she could.

"Papa never lets me get three scoops either so we have to keep it a secret, okay?" she said, putting her finger to her lips. I laughed and put my finger to my lips. I took a seat whilst Mia chose what she wanted. I texted Adriana to let her know that we got here safe, and she told me everything was better back at the Polibio household. But when I looked up my stomach dropped when I saw a random woman talking to Mia.

"Aye, move!" I shouted, running over to them. I pulled Mia away from the woman, and checked to see if she was okay.

"I said get fro-yo Mi, not talk to strangers" I sighed, thankful she was okay. She looked up with a guilty expression, instantly making me feel bad.

"Sorry Uncle Kai"

"So my nickname's Kai" I said, changing the subject quickly. I knelt down to her level, relieved as a smile appeared on her face.

"Well that's what Mamma calls you" she said before skipping off to fill her bowl up more. Weirdly enough, something went off in me when she mentioned Elena still calling me Kai. Even though it was a nickname everyone used, it just felt different with her.


I rolled my eyes, forgetting the woman was still stood behind us. I stood up and turned to face her, immediately recognising her blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Cindy Locks.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I said, but she stared straight ahead at Mia.

"You have a cute daughter" she said, wrinkling her nose. I looked back at Mia, she was excitedly piling sprinkles into her bowl. I'd never hear the end of it if Mattia found out.

"She's not my daughter, she's Mattia and Elena's"

"Ah I see, it's strange, I always thought you'd end up with Elena"

Her words never sat right with me, especially in this case. I bit the inside of my cheek, refraining myself from telling her to get fucked in front of Mia.

"I have a girlfriend, I'm happy" I said, completely aware of the old feelings creeping back.

"Hmm" she tapped her chin "if I didn't know any better I'd say you still like her and vice versa but whatever helps you sleep at night" 

That was the last fucking thing I needed to hear.
Cindy shrugged her shoulders before looking back at Mia.

"I'll just say goodbye"

But I put my arm out in front of her, watching as she took a step back, confused.

"Get out already"

Her nostrils flared, but she quickly flashed me a smile.

"I'll see you soon" she exclaimed, as she turned to walk out the place. What the fuck did that mean?

I turned back to see Mia walking over to me with her bowl filled to the top. Leaving the house was probably the worst idea Adriana's had.


I sobbed as Mattia held onto me tightly. I couldn't get the words out. I wished I didn't have to get the words out.

"Baby, please" he said, wiping his tears away.


"Elena tell me, whatever it is we can get through it, I promise you we can" he pleaded, kissing the back of my hand.

"I was pregnant" I whispered, my hand resting on my bandaged stomach. Mattia's face instantly dropped. His mouth turned into an 'o' shape, but no sound came out. Instead, his eyes filled with tears again, whilst being fixated on me.

"Mattia" I begged, shaking him slightly "say something, please"

He let out a painful sob, resting his head against my hand.

"I'm sorry"

I looked at Mattia, shaking my head quickly as he started crying harder.

"Mattia no, this wasn't your fault" I cried. He tried to speak but he was gasping for air between tears.

The pain, the sheer pain of it all was so much to take.

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