Chapter Four

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I ordered food to the house since the boys and Vic were probably staying over. As I paid for the food, Elena walked into the kitchen looking flustered.

"Hey baby" I said, wrapping my arms around her waist. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes, her breathing was a little quicker than usual. Keeping an arm around her, I used my free hand to tilt her chin up so she was facing me.

"Everything good, amor?"

She nodded her head, but I wasn't convinced. I could tell when Elena was worrying about something. It irritated me that she didn't tell me right there, but I knew with time she'd let me know.

"We're gonna head to Alejandro's place and pick up Leo, we'll be back" said Vic, holding Ale's arm. We waved them out and I wrapped my arms back around Elena, resting my head on hers as I embraced that notorious watermelon scent of hers.

"I wanna join in"

I felt a little hand grabbing my leg and looked down to see Mia. She gave me a pouty face, but her smile quickly appeared again when I leaned down to pick her up.

"Has your tooth still not grown back, baby girl?" said Elena, kissing the back of her head. Mia felt around her mouth with her tongue until she finally found the gap.

"Well the tooth won't come back until the tooth fairy says so, right Mommy?" I said, smirking at Elena. She rolled her eyes as I moved closer to her, planting a soft kiss on her lips.

"You're in loveee with Mommy" Mia giggled as I pulled away. I laughed as she covered her face shyly, and smothered her in kisses, holding her tight as she wriggled around in my arms.

"Well have you seen your Mommy? Who wouldn't be in love with her?" I said. Elena raised her eyebrows, folding her arms over her chest.

"Daddy might just get it tonight" she joked, licking her lips. A sense of relief washed over me knowing I was finally taking her mind off things.

"Get what?" asked a curious Mia. She looked between Elena and I, desperate to get in on our conversation.

"Pizza!" I said quickly "I might get pizza, I ordered it, remember?"

"Oh yeah" Mia chuckled, wrapping her arms around my neck. Elena covered her mouth with her hand to hold in her laugh as we heard footsteps. The kitchen door opened and Kairi appeared from behind it.

"I'm gonna go" he said, before turning to walk out.

"Okay b-"

The kitchen door slammed, cutting me off completely. I looked at Elena who shrugged her shoulders.


"He so has my eyes" cooed Vic, holding Leo in her arms. Alejandro rolled his eyes, making me laugh.

"Next she'll say something about his smile" I said, downing the rest of my beer. Mia came over to us and sat on my lap, crossing her arms.

"Oh she's definitely got Elena's attitude" laughed Alejandro. I dismissed his comment and turned to Mia.

"What's wrong, lil mama?" I said, unfolding her arms gently. She pointed at the cup in my hand.

"Why are you drinking alcohol? I told you it smells so bad" she said, pinching her nose. I sighed, placing the drink on the counter. Once, Elena and I came home from a party, and when the sitter had gone, I puked everywhere cause I was so drunk. Elena told Mia the bad smell was the alcohol, and ever since she's hated me for drinking it.

"What? No this is water" I joked, but Mia tilted her head to a side.

"Papa I'm seven, I'm not stupid"

"Mia, don't be rude" called Elena from the other side of the kitchen. Mia sprawled herself out over me, whining loudly.

"Still think Mommy's the best now?" I laughed, wrapping my arms around her. Just then, there was a knock at the door and I stood up.

"That's the pizza, I'll get it" I said, walking out the kitchen. I unlocked the front door and a warm smell of food hit me.

"Order for Mr Polibio?"

"That's me" I said, taking the pizzas. As I was about to shut the door, the delivery guy placed his hand on it, holding it open.

"Can I help you?" I said, slightly confused. But he pointed to something on the ground. I couldn't see too clearly with it being dark so I stepped out to get a closer look.

"I think something fell out your window man"

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