Chapter Twenty One

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                         TWO YEARS LATER


I was sitting at my vanity, finishing my hair and makeup when Mia burst through the door with Axel running close behind her.

"Daddy says I can take the window seat" she said, running over to me. Axel followed behind and pulled a face.

"No, he said me" he said, crossing his arms. I laughed at their argument as I applied a second coat of strawberry lip gloss. Axel had just turned three, so Mattia and I decided it would be nice to go away for Christmas, just the four of us.

"What if I want to take the window seat?" I said. Mia frowned and Axel tugged on my skirt. I stood up as Mattia walked into the room and saw us. He smirked and gave me the 'not my problem anymore' look.

"I want it!" shouted Mia, stomping her foot on the floor. Axel started crying and shaking his head and I felt like my head was about to explode. This was their third tantrum this week. It's Tuesday.

"Okay!" shouted Mattia over both of them. They both stopped crying and turned to face him.

"The taxis here to take us to the airport, we can decide who gets the window seat later"

Mia sighed loudly and rolled her eyes, walking over to collect her backpack.

"Is the attitude necessary, Mia?" asked Mattia, folding his arms. She stuck out her bottom lip and came over to hold my hand. I raised my eyebrows but still held onto her little hand.

"I like Mommy more than you and Axel" she mumbled. I smiled and picked her up, even though she was nine years old, she was still as light as a feather. She buried her head in my neck and I smirked at Mattia and gave him the 'enjoy being the bad parent' look.

He laughed and came over, placing his hands on my hips and leaning in slowly. I met his lips halfway and closed my eyes as I kissed him slowly. Every kiss always set something off in me. I felt Axel wrap his arms around my leg as Mattia tried to deepen the kiss, but was instead interrupted by Mia's hands pushing his face away. I laughed as he glared at her.

"What? I like Mommy too" he said, taking her from me and smothering her in kisses. I looked down at Axel who smiled back up at me with his beautiful brown eyes. I saw Mattia in him.

"Come on, baby" I said, holding my hand out for him to take. I lead him towards the door and turned back to Mattia and Mia.

"Can you guys bring the luggage? I'll get your jackets and meet you out front" I said, walking down the hallway. They nodded and started getting everything together.

"We're going on a plane!" said Axel, grinning from ear to ear. I smiled and got out his blue jacket with his brown timberlands as he sat on the bottom step.

"Yes we are, my beautiful baby boy" I said, kissing the top of his head. He took the jacket and stood up.

"I can do it, watch me Mamma"

And just as he said, he pulled the jacket on and fiddled with the zip, but he finally got it and zipped himself up.

"You did it, baby!" I said proudly, clapping my hands. His cheeks turned a soft red and he covered his face with his tiny hands. My heart melted as I pulled him into a hug and held him close.



"Daddy I want candy floss"

I heard Mia say something, but was too busy staring at Elena as she played with Axel. Her hair was in a loose ponytail and she only had mascara and red lip gloss on. The same strawberry one she always used. She was so beautiful. Breathtaking. I still couldn't get over the fact that she was my wife.

How did I get so lucky?

"Daddy!" Mia shouted, making me jump out of my seat. I looked at her and she folded her arms.

"I'm sorry, honey, I was just-"

"Staring at Mommy? Jeez it's like you guys are married or something" she huffed, jumping out of her seat and walking towards one of the shops. I laughed and looked back at Elena and Axel before getting up and following her.

"You do know me and Mommy are married, right?"

"Oh yeah" she said, bursting into a fit of giggles. I laughed with her and shook my head as we picked out her candy floss and got snacks for everyone else.

"Babe, they called our flight number" said Elena as we walked back to them. I grabbed most of the luggage and gave Mia the bag of snacks.

"Let's go Paris" I said, kissing Elena's cheek as we made our way to the gate.

"I thought we were going Disneyland" frowned Axel. Mia put her finger to her lips and Elena and I watched them both.

"We are going Disneyland, Axel, but Mommy and Papa wanna go see this big tower thingy too" she said in a low voice. Axel nodded and reached for a bag of popcorn whilst Mia tucked into her candy floss. Elena looked at me with a smile.

"Hear that, daddy?"

I smirked at her and fought the urge to kiss her in front of the kids. She called me daddy and I called her Mommy since it helped Axel when he was learning his words. But he knew English now and she knew exactly what she was doing.

We joined the queue to board and I placed a hand around her waist, pulling her closer to me. She bit her bottom lip and I moved my mouth closer to her ear.

"You're going to regret teasing me like that" I whispered, nibbling on her earlobe. She pulled away quickly, her cheeks bright red.

"You good, babe?" I said casually as the kids turned to look at us. She narrowed her eyes at me and I laughed to myself as I handed our tickets to the flight attendant.

"Who's this cutie?" she said to Mia. Mia smiled and waved at her. Her eyes lingered on me for a second before looking at the computer. I looked back at Elena who gave her a death stare.

"Sir we've had to change your seats" she said, looking at the computer.

"That's fine" I said.  I felt a finger poking my leg and looked down to see Mia with an angry look on her face. I sighed and gave in.

"Can I get a window seat though? Just one?"

The attendant smiled at me and nodded. I reached back and held Elena's hand, pulling her to my side. I put my elbow on the desk and leaned on my hand, staring at Elena with a cheeky grin on my face. I felt the flight attendant staring at us.

"Doesn't my wife look beautiful?" I asked, my hand resting on Elena's ass. She fought a smile and kissed my cheek. The flight attendant took a sharp breath and handed me the tickets

"Thank you" said Elena, reaching forward and taking them from her.


"You and Mia sit on the window side, and I'll take Axel and we'll sit in the next row" Elena said, holding our sleeping son in her arms.

"Okay baby" I said, kissing her quickly before taking my seat. Mia scrambled into the seat next to me and looked out with giddy eyes. She became hyper when we took off but finally calmed down when we were safely in the sky. I smiled and closed my eyes, relaxing back into my seat.

"Daddy" she said, tapping my arm. I opened my eyes again and looked at her. I was hoping it'd be something quick since I was hoping to sleep on our 12 hour flight.

"Can you tell me the story of how you met Mamma?"

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